Don’t look at me like that because I know we are more than halfway through 2023. I did intend to write this sooner but you can say that I had a few things on my plate by the end of last year. Things got delayed and this was one o...
As I always say at the start of these things , I never know how to properly start. Especially this time since by the time you read this (if you read this) it will be way off schedule. At this point I'm writing this more out of t...
You wouldn't know this but I am actually starting on this way earlier than usual, last year I was actually moving parts of the draft from machines at work to my pc at home. 2017 i had your likes, 2018 I went all in and nobody sh...
I always have trouble starting these wrap up blogs or whatever you want to call them. This year in particular I was able to get a job in like April or May , from that point the rest of the year has felt very different. Mostly a ...
Welcome to the 5 year anniversary of “Most of the stuff…”. I would like to write things that are not video game related but for some reason this is the only thing right now that I don’t get bored of after the f...
I think 2017 is going to be a memorable year for many people but for all the wrong reasons , maybe just me. Videogames wise I feel that developers and publishers have been trying to give me more reasons to not want to play anymore. How...
Anyone who managed to make it through this year has likely been surprised once or twice by how things have turned out , I don't just mean videogames when I say that. Speaking of surprises , this blog isn't one of them it just happens t...
I once again have to blow the dust off my dtoid blog in order to give you the latest and greatest in pointless guff. Here is how it went down, I signed up for a gig that I would start in this month(Sep 2016) and found myself running ...
Disclaimer: This was supposed to be finished before the end of December 31 2015 , for anyone that cares sorry for the delay. When 2014 ended I am going to assume a good amount of people were bored out of their minds when it came to games , ...
Big Ti-Oh I'm sorry I was typing while reading and didnt see you there. I usually reserve my writing about video games until the end of the year and get it done in bulk , but I feel this is something worth writing about atleast while all th...
This certainly has taken a while , has it not? let’s get this out of the way before I start to the folks thank you for the positivity in the prior blog post , I seriously meant to write more but I have been far more busy than i c...
As another year nears its end the gaming media has to scratch its head over what games should get what awards. Rather than just provide a top 10 list of the best games of the year, I�m going to go a step further and mention as many games as...
The next generation is just around the corner, its times like this when the internet goes slightly wild with news related to the upcoming gaming consoles. In this case those consoles just happen to be the Xbox One and the Playstation 4. The...
About cheetamanone of us since 5:30 AM on 09.12.2013
I like to think that I have valuable input on different topics with gaming , although i have not really bothered to write about any until now.
Don’t look at me like that because I know we are more than halfway through 2023. I did intend to write this sooner but you can say that I had a few things on my plate by the end of last year. Things got delayed and this was one o...