Nintendo's current system, the Switch, is their highest selling console of all time. "The Super Mario Bros Movie" has made over $1 billion dollars globally. "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom," a sequel to what some have called...
Marvel's Avengers, an online multiplayer game developed by Crystal Dynamics for Playstation, Xbox and PC, is ending its live service. It’ll get it’s last content update on March 31, and all support will end in September. Wh...
And maybe how they can't Characters need goals. They’re basically the whole reason a character exists in a story. It’s the thing they want to attain or achieve more than anything in the world. It’s the same in video g...
"I don’t know of any perfect play. A work of art is never completed, only abandoned. The only perfect play is a dead play.” -Alan Schneider, 1962, The Christian Science Monitor There’s a small debate among t...
Over the course of Grand Theft Auto V’s single player Story Mode, you play as three criminal partners, Michael, Franklin and Trevor. After roughly 40 hours of carjackings, diamond heists and murderous rampages, you’re given...
About UncannyKyleone of us since 10:47 AM on 02.02.2022
Nintendo's current system, the Switch, is their highest selling console of all time. "The Super Mario Bros Movie" has made over $1 billion dollars globally. "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom," a sequel to what some have called...