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In this weeks Vlog I show crops, what makes them tick and how to unlock secrets based on where you plant them. Very satisfied with all of the functions I added to the crops and it all works as intended!

- (>'.')> Indie <('-'<)





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About runestormone of us since 10:29 PM on 09.14.2016

Swedish Indie developer living in Tokyo.
Currently working on a Farm/Dating Sim game called Sunset Moon.

For weekly updates follow my on Destructoid or Twitter @RuneShiStorm

I'm also hosting a weekly podcast where we interview people from the industry, big and small. Reach out if you want to be on the show! We love talking to indie devs in particular and encourage each other along the way!

PodCast House of Games on Spotify:

Red Colony
Where is my daughter?!

Besides games I enjoy outdoor activities, workout and travel!
I've been living in the U.S, Australia, England and now I'm settled, more or less, in Japan with my wife and kid! ^^