Alright, I have concluded my retread of the Wolfenstein series. Well, from RTCW onwards. The New Colossus is still fine, new characters are still unlikeable douchebags and the whole father trauma thing was kinda left field for me. Current Status:
Alright, I have concluded my retread of the Wolfenstein series. Well, from RTCW onwards. The New Colossus is still fine, new characters are still unlikeable douchebags and the whole father trauma thing was kinda left field for me. Current Status:
Average Tuesday Status:
Alright with the new order finished that's one last game to go before I finish my impromptu retread of the series. I do wish the moon level was longer as its almost a proto starfield lol. #LateNightStatus
Current Status:
Average Tuesday Status:
Saturday Night Status:
Current Status:
Casual Sunday Evening Status:
Casual Sunday Evening Status:
Friday Night Status:
Alright, reaper mini #29 is complete👍 Using this guy as a counts as tilean mercenary captain. Only problem is I couldn't really get a good shot of this guy but oh well.