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The Whispering Woods... The home to this beast! Vlog Update. I hope I can expand the Demo until next week to show off some new environments etc, I just want to nail the scripts before moving on :S


Working on a SideQuest Boss, Damage Values and added a new Enemy! Meeting with a "real" programmer tomorrow and hope I can get my Player Script to work flawless within a month or two... Optimistic indeed...But I'm happy with my progress!


Indie-Sounds-Effects! LOL I totally agree with the voice-actors strike... Doing voices is tiresome :P


Added a "Finish Move" and working on some other Enemy scripts. Next Week I will make a Tutorial on how to add Particle Events inside Animations. Stay Tuned!


Made alot of cool script the last week! Animations, Sounds, Loading.. etc! I think I will make comparison video next week to see all the progress!


Its Thursday - New Blog-Update... This last Week I was super busy with my "Real Job" and couldn't spend as much time as I wanted in Unity. However, I made a tutorial on "How to add Animation Events Within an Animation"... Hope it can help any Unity Users


I finally managed to fix the player controller and I've added a bunch of other stuff too... Developing games takes a lot of time, as most of you know and sometimes it feels like we encounter impossible tasks.. Keep up the good work all!


The Game is more alive then ever. Still struggling with a tight controller but the world itself is looking good!


Latest Update :) New Build is coming along quite well! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAr1AnY8nog


Finally got some NPC's into the world. They are all lacking animations but I will add that for the next build. Current build is made my me - trail and error style - so I'm trying to have the game re-built with new animations and better coding.


Some ideas for the NintendoSwith HD Rumble function I thought of... What do you guys think? Have you tried it? I think it has allot of potential even for a simple 2D game such as mine...


Roswell? Abducted women? Conspiracy theories?! Mmmmm... You bet! one of many silly SideQuest's in the game!


New Animations made in Sprinter! Any indiedevs here familiar with this software? After rage-quitting 3 times I finally got an hang of it... But need help to figure out how to add separate animations into an existing one... :S


Am I the only one who cant upload pictures anymore? Or did I imagine that option ever existed? :P


Working on some Enemy AI and added some animations.. Kind of stiff but just want to make sure it works.... Tutorial room! This is were you will learn a thing or two about the controllers.


Hi guys! In case you missed my trailer. Please check it out & leave feedback :) If you like what you see please consider supporting me at Patreon $1/month and your name in the credits! IF you are a patreon user - I will return the favor by supporting yo


Teleportation machine! Where does it take you?


Short fighting scene!


This is a step-by-step video on the Weapon Shop in Knifeboy. Turned out great I think!


Hi guys! I'm currently on Greenlight. Please give it a "Yes" if you find it even remotely interesting ^^ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=855693803


Animations... There is always a bigger fish...


Open World Area is finally done! Sneak-peak in this video!


Sneak peak from Zeppelin heaven! 3rd level in the game!


Happy New Year! I'm going on holiday for a week to rest... Eh?! No pain no gain! As I'm resting in the sun I will finish up the second comic book once and for all! Expect a comicbook release in Jan and Game Demo in March! Cya in 2017!


About runestormone of us since 10:29 PM on 09.14.2016

Swedish Indie developer living in Tokyo.
Currently working on a Farm/Dating Sim game called Sunset Moon.

For weekly updates follow my on Destructoid or Twitter @RuneShiStorm

I'm also hosting a weekly podcast where we interview people from the industry, big and small. Reach out if you want to be on the show! We love talking to indie devs in particular and encourage each other along the way!

PodCast House of Games on Spotify:

Red Colony
Where is my daughter?!

Besides games I enjoy outdoor activities, workout and travel!
I've been living in the U.S, Australia, England and now I'm settled, more or less, in Japan with my wife and kid! ^^