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Had a great time at California Extreme this year! Played lots of old arcade games and pinball. Lots of cool stuff was there! Pics in the comments!


I still plan on doing those little giveaways but until I know the ins and outs of Cohost I'll post them here. That said, I plan on posting one here sometime tomorrow! It's not a game but it's DBZ related. Stay tuned if you're interested! No dibs!


WOOHOO! I just beat the OG Contra without the Konami code (I died a few times but didn't use a continue)! My thoughts are in the comments


UPS contract negotiations didn't go well yesterday. The Teamsters left the table disgusted at UPS' proposals. Keep PVDs for holidays, only increase pay to $21 when the next contract expires, more control over full timers' work week, reverse COLA, etc.


I know they get a bum rap (often rightfully so) but water some underwater levels and/or games you like?


UPS update: We recently just voted to strike if UPS doesn't adhere to our demands by July 31st. We've gotten some things (fans for the brown trucks, no more PVDs, etc.) but we still have yet to get various economic issues addressed (higher pay and more).


Decided to bring up the question again: What are some bad games whose music you like? Personally, this SNES arrangement of the Mob Song reminds me of the beginning part of Link to the Past. I think it could fit as a replacement track for it.


I'm feeling nostalgic for a time I never lived in. Doing some retroactive people watching wondering who these people were, what they did from that point on, where they thought they would be years on and more. My parents would've been 19 & 22 respectively.


Yeeeeaaaahhhh...I didn't like this stage very much. The game from what I've played so far screams rushed. Stiff controls, weird hit detection, and uninspired levels. Does it get better later on?


NGL I think Halle Bailey's version of "Part Of Your World" is downright excellent! Just by listening to it, you can tell she definitely poured a lot of heart into it. Well worth a listen if you haven't yet.


So...uhh...I hear that new Rolan's Curse game is pretty popular. You guys enjoying it?


Just curious, do you guys switch to the reversible cover art (if the option's available) for a physical game you purchase?


If real life had save points, what would yours be represented by? Some light on the ground, a typewriter, sittin' on the can, or maybe something else?


Looks like I'll be going to the California Extreme Arcade Expo on Saturday August 19th. Just bought my ticket and can't wait for lots of arcade and pinball action again!


Real life should be remade as a 2D Metroidvania. It'd be a nice change of pace from the current pseudo-MMO open world FPS perspective.


About The Mars In The Mirrorone of us since 2:12 PM on 10.06.2016
