How to counter in AEW Fight Forever

How to counter in AEW Fight Forever

Stop their momentum

There are certain basic mechanics you expect from some fighting games; the ability to counter is one of them. You can counter in AEW Fight Foreverbut timing is absolutely key to succeeding in the game. Rather than suffering a suplex, there’s a way to reverse your positioning. Here’s how to counter in AEW Fight Forever.

Countering in AEW Fight Forever
Screenshot by Destructoid

Step-by-step guide on how to counter in AEW Fight Forever

Countering in AEW Fight Forever is certainly different from how the WWE 2K series works. It is all down to the timing of your button presses. Specifically, you want to press the R1 button (RB on Xbox) to reverse strikes and L1 (LB) for grapples. First, let’s discuss the strike reversal. If you time the press of the button perfectly, you’ll either dodge out of the way from a strike, leaving an opening for a counter, or you’ll catch their arm or leg. If you’ve caught a leg, you can then either use a grappling attack or a high strike to take your opponent down.

Getting the timing just right is tricky, so I recommend hanging out in the Training mode and learning from there. Make sure to set the COM behavior to “Normal” in the pause menu while operating this mode. On the top left, it will give you a hint on which button you should press to counter moves. If you’re not sure what to press, this tutorial process breaks it down for you.

How to counter grappling attacks

Grappling attacks in AEW Fight Forever are a bit more tricky. If you expect your foe to use a grappling attack, press the L1 button (LB) to counter just before they grab you. More often than not, however, players in my experience tend to go for a strike. If an opponent is holding you from behind, a grapple counter is a fantastic way to reverse the position.

Once you’re grabbing an opponent with the X button on PlayStation (A on Xbox), L1 (LB) can also be used to change the positioning of your opponent. If you want to stand behind your opponent on purpose, press the left shoulder button.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris is a freelance writer for multiple outlets, including Destructoid! He loves narrative games like Kingdom Hearts, Life is Strange, and Beyond Good & Evil. However, he does enjoy Fortnite and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from time to time.
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