Where to find Hylian Pine Cones in Tears of the Kingdom (Totk)

Hylian Pine Cone Tears of the Kingdom location

A burst of flame

It’s wild that a flame can explosively burst if you add Hylian Pine Cones to a bonfire. With this newfound energy, the wind will rush upwards, allowing Link to get higher in the air with his paraglider. It also helps to get up mountains and other annoying obstacles! Here’s where to find Hylian Pine Cones in this land of Hyrule.


Hylian Pine Cones Tears of the Kingdom location

You’ll be able to find these Pine Cones from the Hebra Mountains and Lanaryu Great Spring regions. One of the best spots is from the Hebra Trailhead Lodge (-3556, 2185, 0148), which has a bunch of trees together. This spot is north of Rito Village and southeast of the Rospro Pass Skyview Tower. The main rule of thumb to follow is to look at the map and find where a large number of trees are.

You’ll find this resource underneath the trees on the ground. You can also cut these trees down with an axe and as they fall, the Hylian Pine Cones will drop off them. Pick this material from the ground.

Another good spot is the forest near the Lucky Clover Gazette (-3275, 1696, 0118). It’s east of Rito Village nearby the entrance. Be careful, however. There’s a Snow Octorok around, spitting snow at you. If you defeat one, there’s a chance to get a Voltfin Trout, which provides electricity resistance.

What can you do with Hylian Pine Cones?

The main utility of these Pine Cones is to make fire abruptly burst. This will give you the ability to fly to a high spot straight away. Unfortunately, it only provides 1 Fuse Attack Power and is only worth 2 rupees.

About The Author
Chris Penwell
Chris is a freelance writer for multiple outlets, including Destructoid! He loves narrative games like Kingdom Hearts, Life is Strange, and Beyond Good & Evil. However, he does enjoy Fortnite and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from time to time.
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