So, yesterday, Captain Obvious and I were kicking it real cool. We played some games and went out for drinks. After half a martini, Obvious was spewing all sorts of hot, insider industry news. He told me that Nintendo will develop another Mario title and that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 would have “guns.” But nothing he told me rivals the bombshell Halo franchise developer, Frank O’Connor, dropped on Game Hunters.
He said, “I doubt we have seen the last of Master Chief.”
Yeah, that’s right. O’Connor spilled the beans. Contrary to no reports, Master Chief will pop up again after Halo Wars and Halo: ODST. This should be exciting news for Halo fans (it was for Captain Obvious, he spit coffee into his receiver when I told him over the phone this morning) as this is a firm indication that Microsoft, or whomever handles the property in non-digital form, will continue pumping out Chief products.
[via Joystiq]