No DLC for GoldenEye 007

After having it bluntly confirmed that GoldenEye 007 would indeed have no DLC whatsoever, I struggled with whether or not to top this story off with our intrepid hero, Captain Obvious. On the one hand games on the Wii just don’t get DLC, but on the other it isn’t impossible for them to get it and that means there’s always that chance. Thus putting Captain Obvious up there is basically saying that a Wii game not having DLC is a foregone conclusion, which is saddening.

However, since this story basically backs up that conclusion we have Captain Obvious above and the short response I got from Julian Widdows, Executive Producer at Activison Blizzard UK, when I asked him what the chances were, if any, of GoldenEye 007 getting DLC right here: “None. Sorry.”

Sad to hear it, but considering the fact that I played the original (and still do on occasion) over and over with the exact same levels and no idea what DLC meant (Double Large Cranberry?) I think I’m going to be just fine without it this time around too.

Anyone surprised by this?

About The Author
Matthew Razak
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