Sports Archives – Destructoid Probably About Video Games Sat, 22 Jul 2023 01:33:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 211000526 Sega Bass Fishing is free via newsletter Sat, 22 Jul 2023 13:00:58 +0000 Fish caught in Sega Bass Fishing.

Teach a man to fish

Sega Bass Fishing is a classic arcade game from 1997 that, as the title suggests, has players pulling out their rods, bait, and fishing lines. For a limited time, Sega is giving the game away for free on Steam, and there aren't too many hoops to jump through to acquire it.

[caption id="attachment_393059" align="alignnone" width="640"]Reeling in fish in Sega Bass Fishing. Image via Sega.[/caption]

How to get Sega Bass Fishing for free

Since its release, Sega Bass Fishing has been ported to several systems, including the Dreamcast, Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii. It's a dated game, so the minimum spec requirements won't be taxing any modern PCs.

The only thing you need to do to grab your free copy of Sega Bass Fishing on Steam is to sign up for Sega's newsletter. There isn't too much personal information needed except your name, birth date, country of residence, and email address.

Before submitting the sign-up form, remember to tick the box at the bottom to indicate that you want a copy of the game. You have until July 31 to sign-up for the game. The codes for it will be mailed out starting August 1.

Interested in more classic arcade games? Grab the Dreamcast Collection bundle on Steam. It comes with a host of nostalgia-inducing titles including Crazy Taxi and Sonic Adventure 2.

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Review: Super Mega Baseball 4 Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:00:18 +0000

The gladiators from my website will crush your team like nine flabby grapes

It’s the start of the Super Mega Baseball 4 2023 season. The Internet’s Destructoid is taking the field. We’ve got a great game tonight, as fans are hoping to see their heroes eat grass. Destructoid is the home of legends, such as Timothy “Drop-Taco” Monbleau, Chris “The Other Chris” Moyse, Eric “Mystery Meat” Van Allen, and Zoey “Small Tragedy” Handley. Perhaps the fans will be treated to the sight of magic taking the mound in the form of veteran pitcher Jonathan “Gravy-Drinker” Holmes.

It’s been three years since Super Mega Baseball 3. In that time, the series’ developer, Metalhead Software, has been bought by the evil corporation, Electronic Arts. Fans are being forcibly glued to their seats as they wait to see what delicious treats insatiable greed might bring to the table. Will this be the season it catches fire? Or will the series find itself rained out and left damp?

[caption id="attachment_385321" align="alignnone" width="640"]Super Mega Baseball 4 Team Destructoid Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

Super Mega Baseball 4 (PC, PS4, PS5 [Reviewed], Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Switch)
Developer: Metalhead Software
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Released: June 2, 2023
MSRP: $49.99

I’m not a massive baseball fan, but I’m also not-not a baseball fan. I played it when I was younger as my parents did everything they could to tear me away from video games. When was the last time I watched a game? Probably during my trip to Japan. That stuff plays on just about every TV there.

However, I love over-the-top sports games with lots of customization. I don’t watch a lot of hockey either, (please don’t alert the Canadian government), but NHL Hitz has a steel grip on my heart. The Super Mega Baseball series has been a bastion of this. In a world where MLB: The Show is practically the only show in town, it stands apart as a series that puts fun before simulation.

While I miss the stylized caricatures of the original games, Super Mega Baseball 3 was a new high-water mark for the series. Despite this, I still had a wishlist for Super Mega Baseball 4, and being purchased by EA was not on that list. And neither were real-world baseballers.

Did anything I want get added? No. So, that’s a good way to start.

I put my homemade football on hold

Super Mega Baseball 4 is very much built on the bones of Super Mega Baseball 3. So much so that the best parts of it were already present in the previous title, while the new stuff could have just been in an update.

That’s not to say that nothing is technically or appreciatively different. For example, I feel that Super Mega Baseball 4 slides further into the sort of hokey baseball cliches that I opened this review with. You can clearly hear hecklers among the crowd. Vendors are audible in doling out over-priced food. The umpires are more animated and exude more personality, and the announcer does advertising spots between innings. These may be needless distractions to some, but when I’m fielding my own team, having an equally developed world around them enhances the atmosphere.

What I don’t appreciate is the song selection. It’s not bad, but there’s no way to toggle off tracks that I don’t like. There’s a pop-country one in there that, to me, is the equivalent to getting a bamboo splinter. Being able to manage the jukebox feels like such a common feature in sports games, that I was almost in disbelief to find that it wasn’t there in Super Mega Baseball 4.

[caption id="attachment_385325" align="alignnone" width="640"]Super Mega Baseball 4 pitching Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

Your right fielder has been dead for 130 years

The engine also got upgraded, and that’s sort of a mixed bag. The shadows look a little off to me, but I appreciate the greater diversity in weather and time of day lighting. There’s something weird going on with meshes, though. Logos get stretched on the chests of players, which is extremely strange to me. I don’t remember this being a problem in Super Mega Baseball 3. There are only seven body types across male and female players. It's not like you can change the dimensions. Considering there’s so much depth to the logo editor in Super Mega Baseball 4, it’s kind of disappointing to see your work get smeared across someone’s chest.

The players have had their animations expanded. There’s a lot of personality that comes through them. You're given a lot of power in making each of your characters distinct. The level of customization available is a bit wild. However, while there are a lot of distinct faces you can choose from for your players, there’s no way to actually fine-tune them to get a better likeness.

This is most noticeable with the flaunted real-world players. While Super Mega Baseball 4 retains its whimsy by mostly focusing on retired (or deceased) legends, they’re not implemented that well. It’s obvious that they’re all created from the same tools that you’re given for your own team. So… what’s the point? If I wanted Babe Ruth on my team, I could have just created Babe Ruth myself. He bears as much resemblance to his real-world counterpart as my Chris Moyse does to the real Chris Moyse.

[caption id="attachment_385328" align="alignnone" width="640"]Team Destructoid Strut Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

If I want you to bunt, I'll touch my belt buckle not once, not twice, but thrice

Super Mega Baseball 4 also doesn’t really fix the complaint I had since the second title, which is that there’s very little curated progression. When you create a player, you can set their stats without any limits. If you want a team with completely maxed-out stats, no one will stop you from creating one. Even if you want to be more sparing with your point distribution for the sake of challenge, it’s hard to really know where your team sits in comparison to the ones you’ll be playing against.

You can temporarily buff your players between games, but I always find it more fun to develop their skills from a plucky little team struggling to compete to an absolute powerhouse. Instead, you’re left with the responsibility of setting your own difficulty, and there are just too many ways to do that.

Ego Mode was really enough of a difficulty adjuster to begin with. This lets you tweak the in-game systems to your liking. If things are a little too hands-off and automated, you can crank your ego up. If you would rather not worry about much more than pressing the right button at the right time, that’s an option too. You can also change each facet of the game’s difficulty individually. I personally liked to crank up the challenge on pitching while keeping fielding a little more breezy. I get overwhelmed easily.

[caption id="attachment_385331" align="alignnone" width="640"]Handley on the field Screenshot by Destructoid[/caption]

Some of these guys have a bad attitude, Skip

The customization in Super Mega Baseball 4 is extremely expansive. I’m a bit jealous of people who have enough friends to create a custom online franchise mode. Matching up teams in a big internet bucket sounds like a great time.

When it comes down to it, Super Mega Baseball 4 is improved, but not that improved. I’m not looking to downgrade, and I kind of wish I was playing it right now instead of writing this. However, I still have a wishlist for the next installment. This one feels like such an unneeded upgrade. Most of it feels like it could have just been in a patch. The more appreciable additions weren’t must-haves, and some elements feel more rickety. I guess what I’m saying is that Super Mega Baseball 4 gets on base, but it’s definitely not a home run.

No one’s ever used that analogy before, right?

[This review is based on a retail build of the game provided by the publisher.]

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The Game Band is shutting down Blaseball Mon, 05 Jun 2023 15:30:15 +0000

A number of staff are being laid off in the process

The bizarre internet sports-sim Blaseball is coming to a close. Developer The Game Band has announced that it's ending Blaseball ahead of its new era, and laying off some staff in the process.

Posted on The Game Band's Medium page, the studio confirms Blaseball is headed to an end, rather than its planned Coronation Era. In short, Blaseball "isn't sustainable" to keep running.

"Since Blaseball’s inception, we’ve been fighting against the amount of work it takes to keep Blaseball true to itself while financially supporting the team and keeping our staff healthy," the dev team wrote. "We’ve tried countless solutions to make it work, and we’ve come to the conclusion that this fight isn’t one we can win in the long run. The cost, literally and metaphorically, is too high. So we are making the decision to end it here instead of changing Blaseball into something unrecognizable."

As part of this, The Game Band is also parting ways with "many" of its team members. The team had grown in order to start making some of its plans work for the rebooted Blaseball.

Rest In Violence

I stumbled across Blaseball the way I imagine many early participants did. It was a social media hit during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you never got around to learning about it, Blaseball mixed a running fantasy sports sim of baseball with narrative mechanics that let players vote on different decrees and rules, which would shift the game in unforeseen and interesting ways. Sometimes another base would appear, or stats would go up. And other times, players would rise from the dead.

This community participation, combined with the sparse text interface filled with wildly inventive names like "Jaylen Hotdogfingers" or the Baltimore Crabs, was a blessing in 2020. Fan art and writing instantly emerged. Teams were free to define themselves and develop their own stories, lingo, and vibe, while still welcoming new fans in. The Seattle Garages made a lot of music.

[caption id="attachment_348316" align="alignnone" width="640"]Blaseball Image via The Game Band[/caption]

All the while, Blaseball evolved too. It continued to "yes, and" through each wild pitch the community made. The Game Band developed some incredible moments, like the universe ending and fighting a shelled god. All of it, inside a text-display baseball sim.

We are Blaseball

So while this is a news post about a disappointing, difficult layoff, it's also a send-off of sorts. Blaseball was, for several years, a very important corner of the internet for a number of people. And it will likely remain so, long after the games have stopped.

In this industry, I tend to see a lot of live-service games come and go. Some feel like it's their time, as the natural cycle of the industry also shifts towards something new, but others stick with you for a little while. This is the latter, for me. Even during the times I wasn't avidly watching every match on a second monitor, I loved the community effort that turned Blaseball into a welcome respite.

I hope, at the least, it's remembered well for that. And that everyone who played a role in making Blaseball what it was lands on their feet. Thanks for the games.

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Super Mega Baseball 4 is loading the bases for June 2 Mon, 08 May 2023 15:30:27 +0000 Super Mega Baseball 4 slugging

The Sirloins take the field

Electronic Arts has announced that the next game in Metalhead Software’s franchise, Super Mega Baseball 4, is arriving June 2, 2023. While this is exciting, the fact that EA now owns the developer and property sticks in my craw.

With EA’s money pushing development, the presentation is getting upgraded for the new generation. The presser states that “All-Star character models have been refreshed, lighting has been updated, game cameras and cutscene animations have been overhauled, and audio has expanded and improved throughout the game.”

They’re also touting the implementation of pro baseball players, which made me pause. With names like “Hammer Longballo” on the usual roster, I’m not sure where real players would fit in. I also don’t want to see Super Mega Baseball 4 guide the franchise into just being another MLB license. Thankfully, real-world baseball players are being relegated to just being older legends like Babe Ruth and Luis Tiant. I’m still not jazzed, but I’ll let it slide.

They’re adding six new stadiums to the mix, bringing the franchise total up to 20. They have announced that three more will be coming down the line as DLC. They’ve also expanded the traits system and increased customizability, but they haven’t offered much as to the new career mode.

Super Mega Publisher

This is also going to be the first time the series has been localized in Japan. While this doesn’t mean a whole lot to me as a Canadian, Japan is a huge baseball market.

Overall, I’m excited to try out Super Mega Baseball 4. I’m just having so much trouble getting over seeing EA’s name pasted on the trailers. If they manage to get their hands on the MLB license, I can only imagine that the fun and accessible days of the property will be numbered. EA will always chase the biggest market, and more people look for the MLB name rather than just the best baseball game. I guess I’ll just enjoy it while it’s still fun.

Super Mega Baseball 4 is coming to PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and Switch on June 2, 2023.

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EA reveals new Sports FC logo, with more info set for July Thu, 06 Apr 2023 22:00:11 +0000 EA Sports FC

EA's football has a whole new look

Electronic Arts and FIFA have officially parted ways, and now EA is teasing what it's been working on for EA Sports FC, its next step in virtual football. That is to say, a logo.

The EA Sports FC logo was unveiled today, with a lengthy blog post detailing just how it was made. The company teamed with Uncommon Creative Studio to create its new brand identity, with its new triangular logo becoming the symbol for all things EA Sports FC.

It's a lot of discussion about how and why the upside-down triangle was chosen, mostly as a reference to both formation design / set pieces and also to player control indicators.

[caption id="attachment_372718" align="alignnone" width="640"] Image via EA[/caption]

Notably, this symbol will also start popping up in "more than 100 matches" in leagues around the world. That includes partners at the Premier League, La Liga, Bundesliga, Seria A, Ligue 1, WSL, NWSL, and more. Merch featuring this new logo will also start popping up at various games, too.

Moving on from FIFA

If EA and FIFA had a break-up, this is like the updated profile pic and status. That said, EA is laying the ground for what's to come. It's been the longtime developer of the series, but now EA Sports FC will have to exist without the FIFA brand name, and even compete against it too. And FIFA is adamant it will remain the best.

Electronic Arts is coming off a very successful entry, at least financially, in FIFA 23 and is reportedly inking plenty of deals. Plus, EA has the benefit of having made the games all these years. EA CEO Andrew Wilson reportedly told staff last year that FIFA had been an "impediment" to the company's ambitions, and suggested that the only value EA got from the license in a year without a World Cup was "four letters on the front of the box."

With their future in their own hands, it'll be interesting to see how the reigning king of virtual football tackles a FIFA-less future, fresh logo and all.

More info about EA Sports FC is set to arrive sometime in July.

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Electronic Arts’ FIFA 23 set to become franchise’s best-selling entry Wed, 01 Feb 2023 17:00:10 +0000 electronic arts fifa 23 best selling

EA and FIFA set to part ways

Electronic Arts announced its financial earnings for its third quarter of the fiscal year, revealing that the latest, and last, entry in its long-running FIFA franchise, FIFA 23, is on track to be the best-selling release in the franchise's entire history.

Speaking in a conference call, transcribed by VGC, EA CEO Andrew Wilson noted that North American sales of the football sim are up a huge 50% on last year's release, and as such the title is "pacing to be the biggest title in franchise history". As we previously reported, Electronic Arts FIFA 23 had an incredible launch week, racking up an incredible 10.3 million players within one week of its September 30, 2022 launch date.

In a strange irony, what could prove to be the most successful Electronic Arts FIFA title of all time will also be the last collaboration between the game publisher and international football's statutory body. As of next year, Electronic Arts will launch its new brand, EA Sports FC, while the Federation Internationale de Football Association itself is hoping to find success with its own football simulation series.

Despite the insistence by FIFA president Gianni Infantino that the new, official FIFA game will be "the only authentic, real game", and "best one available for gamers and football fans", I think we know where the development talent and marketing savvy really lie. And, given the skyrocketing success of FIFA 23, The FIFA federation may soon regret pricing itself out of one of — if not the — most consistently performing franchise in the entire history of video games.

FIFA 23 is available now on  PlayStation, PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch platforms.

EA says FIFA 23 is on track to be the biggest title in franchise history [VGC]

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EA is removing Madden NFL 23 CPR touchdown celebration following Damar Hamlin incident Wed, 11 Jan 2023 21:00:53 +0000 Madden NFL 23

The celebration is being removed in light of recent events

A touchdown celebration animation is being removed from Electronic Arts' Madden NFL 23, in light of recent real-world events. The CPR celebration will be taken out of the game, after Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field on January 2.

The celebration in question has the scoring player lie down the ground, while their teammates run over and give fake CPR to "revive" them. EA Sports told CBS Sports that celebration will be removed from the game relatively soon.

"EA Sports is taking steps to remove the celebration from Madden NFL 23 via an update in the coming days," a spokesperson told CBS.

Hamlin collapsed on the field during the Bills' game against the Cincinnati Bengals on January 2. He went into cardiac arrest, and personnel had to perform CPR on Hamlin.

Damar Hamlin has since been discharged from a hospital in Buffalo and will continue rehabilitation at home.

On the field, off the field

This isn't Madden NFL's first time seeing real-world events collide with in-game features. EA removed former Las Vegas Raiders head coach Jon Gruden from Madden NFL 22 in 2021, following his resignation over remarks made in emails. Concussions and brain injuries have also been an ongoing topic for the Madden series, with some games working to address their portrayal of the issue.

And for sports on a grander scale, world politics come into play. Electronic Arts removed the Russian national teams from games like FIFA and NHL in response to the invasion of Ukraine, in line with its partners at FIFA, UEFA, and the IIHF.

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Remember when Nintendo made unquestionably great sports games? Sun, 08 Jan 2023 18:00:51 +0000 Nintendo Sports Games

We like sports and we don't care who knows

When it comes to the development and publishing of sports simulators, there are no two bigger names in the game than EA Sports and 2K Sports. These companies are behind the best-selling football, basketball, hockey, and soccer games every year. There is just no competition when it comes to creating authentic, microtransaction-laden sports titles. Of course, not everyone cares about sports games for their realism. Some people just want to pick up a ball and have some good ol' fashioned arcade fun. And in that arena, Nintendo sports games are king.

Or at least it used to be. For 30 years, Nintendo was responsible for the best sports arcade experiences on console and handheld devices. The company had its duds, sure, but when it struck gold, it hit the motherlode. Sadly, recent Nintendo sports games just haven't been able to capture the greatness of the past. Whether it's because features are purposely withheld until after launch or Camelot can't make the hits it once did, long-time Nintendo sports fans have been waiting and hoping for a return to the golden years of the genre. And that's what we're celebrating with this list. So grab a foam finger and paint a letter on your belly because we're about to mark the best Nintendo sports games ever made.

Nintendo Sports Games

10. Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr.

Not to be confused with Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball, Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. is the terribly named but incredibly fun arcade baseball game that debuted on the Nintendo 64 in 1998. You see, in 1992, a group of investors led by Hiroshi Yamauchi, the president of Nintendo at the time, purchased the Seattle Mariners following a terrible season that had their previous owner threatening to move the team. At the time, superstar slugger Ken Griffey Jr. was arguably the most exciting player in the league who was stuck on a bad team (the Shohei Ohtani of his era). So it only made sense for Nintendo, as the owners of this sports team, to make a game starring its most notable player. And that's what Nintendo did with its Ken Griffey Jr. series of baseball games.

Four games in total were developed for the SNES, Nintendo 64, and Game Boy. While I have many great memories of playing the SNES original, it wasn't until the series made the jump to the Nintendo 64 with Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. that the game actually started to deserve all the acclaim we Mariners fans in Washington mindlessly heaped upon it. With outstanding graphics (for the time) and stellar gameplay, Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey Jr. was easily the first title from Nintendo to actually stand toe-to-toe with the more serious All-Star Baseball franchise. And why wouldn't it be? The game was developed by Angel Studios, better known today as Rockstar San Diego. Nintendo would go on to produce one more Ken Griffey Jr. title, Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest, before retiring the series when Griffey left the Mariners for the Cincinnati Reds.

9. Super Mario Strikers

Sports games featuring Mario have long been a part of Nintendo's history, from the early days of the NES when he served as the referee in Tennis. While Mario and company stuck to sports like tennis and golf during their early years, Nintendo allowed the mascot to branch out on the GameCube and DS with new sports titles like Mario Hoops 3-on-3, Mario Superstar Baseball, and the best of the bunch, Super Mario StrikersStrikers simplified the sport of soccer/football into an easy-to-grasp 5-vs.-5 format that eliminated nuisances like penalties and out-of-bounds and emphasized big hits, items, and high scores. Like other Mario sports games of the era, characters in Strikers had a unique Super Strike that would net players two points when pulled off successfully. It was a great game and the only new Mario sports title of the era to continue on the Nintendo Switch.

8. Pro Wrestling

The earliest days of video gaming were something of a wild west for sports simulators. Anyone could make one, which led to some amazing titles like Tecmo Bowl as well as some not-amazing titles like NES Play Action Football. Nintendo itself developed a slew of early 8-bit titles for its NES, including HockeyGolf, and Soccer. It also took a swing as the world's growing fascination with professional wrestling when it released Pro Wrestling in 1986. You might think a console with such little power and limited button inputs would be unable to produce a quality wrestling game, but you would be wrong. Pro Wrestling set the standard for future wrestling titles with an eclectic roster of wrestlers, simple-to-grasp mechanics, and some of the best music of its era. This is the only NES sports title I still play today, both because I love it so much and because I hope that one day Starman will make it into Smash.

Excitebike 64

7. Excitebike 64

Developed by Left Field Productions, who were also responsible for Nintendo's trio of NBA Courtside games, Excitebike 64 took the fun and color arcade races of the NES original and modernized it for those looking for a more serious racing experience. With fantastic 64-bit graphics, sound effects, and some of the most realistic physics of the time, Excitebike 64 wasn't just the best dirt bike racer on the Nintendo 64; it was the best across all consoles at the time. While the main game strived for realism, there was still plenty of arcade fun to be found, including a soccer minigame, 3D recreation of the original Excitebike, an endless desert mode, and a secret cheats menu to discover. When the game reappears in 2023 on the Expansion Pass for Nintendo Switch Online, remember to hold L as you press C right, C down, and the A button at the main menu.

6. Wii Sports Resort

The original Wii Sports was nothing short of a cultural phenomenon when Nintendo of America made the smart decision to pack it in with every Nintendo Wii it sold. There was no better way to showcase the Wiimote motion technology than the five games included in the collection. The game was a huge hit, and for many people, it was one of the only Wii games they bothered playing. A few years later, when Nintendo introduced the Wii MotionPlus accessory, it went back to the Wii Sports well to sell it. Wii Sports Resort went bigger and better than its predecessor, introducing nine new sports to go along with returning favorites bowling and golf. It also introduced players to Wuhu Island, a location that would pop up in future games like Pilotwings Resort and Wii Fit.

With the Wii MotionPlus accessory, movement tracking was more accurate than before, allowing for more intricate sports like swordplay, table tennis, and archery. If you wanted more casual fun, the game had a variety of watersports like wakeboarding and power cruising. Or you could take to the sky for a little dogfighting. All-in-all, it's one of the best sports collections ever assembled.

5. Mario Golf: Advance Tour

Nintendo produced its very first golf game in 1984 for the Famicom. Simply titled Golf, the game was the work of Satoru Iwata and it laid the groundwork for future golf titles by featuring a bar that illustrated the power and accuracy of a shot. Twenty years later, the genre would arguably be perfected with Mario Golf: Advance Tour. Developed by Camelot Software Planning, the game was a follow-up to the Game Boy Color title Mario Golf, also developed by Camelot. That game introduced RPG elements to the Mario Golf franchise, elements that would be carried over and expanded in Advance Tour.

Dubbed "Role-Playing Golf," the game went all-in on its RPG mechanics, putting players on a path to take on the number one golfer in the Mushroom Kingdom. Sadly, this was the last time such an RPG mode would make its way into a Mario Golf title, and while subsequent games certainly had their own charms, Nintendo and Camelot have yet to match the single-player excellence of Advance Tour.

1080 Snowboarding

4. 1080° Snowboarding

In 1997, ESPN broadcast the very first Winter X Games from Big Bear Lake California. At the 1998 Nagano Olympics, snowboarding would make its Olympic debut. That same year, Nintendo would get in on the growing fascination with the sport with 1080° Snowboarding for the Nintendo 64. While it had a small number of available riders, the game was one of the most advanced games to hit the console, with outstanding graphics, buttery smooth controls, and an amazing depiction of snow.

At the time, it was the most realistic snowboarding game on the market, even if realism went right out the door in the game's Trick Attack Mode. This was a game my friends and I would pop in during every weekend sleepover, challenging each other to see who could nail the highest score. If you missed out on 1080° Snowboarding, you can check it out when it lands on the Expansion Pass for Nintendo Switch Online in 2023.

3. Punch-Out!! (Wii)

Punch-Out!! has long been one of Nintendo's greatest neglected franchises. Since it first appeared in arcades and on the NES, it's absolutely captivated audiences with its unique set of fighters and simplistic, puzzle-like gameplay that could make anyone a champion as long as they had fast enough reflexes. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! is easily one of the best games on the NES, and it was followed up by an even better Super Punch-Out!! on the SNES. For whatever reason, Nintendo stuck the series on the backburner after that, eventually reviving it 15 years later on the Nintendo Wii with the help of Next Level Games.

Punch-Out!! (Wii) took the formula established back on the Wii and polished it even further, creating the best boxing game Nintendo has ever produced. With outstanding cell-shaded graphics, superb controls, immense challenge, and just the right amount of light stereotypes, the game gave long-time fans everything they could possibly want into a new Punch-Out!! title. Well, everything except a roster full of new characters. Outside of Disco Kid and Donkey Kong, everyone in the game was a returning boxer.

2. Wave Race 64

Wave Race: Blue Storm may have the wonderful annoyed announcer Easter Egg, but Wave Race 64 was an absolute game changer. As one of the first games made available for the Nintendo 64, it was a showcase title for the power and possibilities of the N64 hardware. Anyone expecting it to be a light and simple racing game quickly found themselves battling waves and carefully planning their turns through races that featured the most realistic water physics of its time. Like with 1080° Snowboarding, Nintendo sought to rewrite the book on this genre of sports game by producing the best jetski racer the world had ever seen. To this day, this is still one of the best, if not the best, jetski racers you can play. But don't take my word for it. You can see for yourself as the game is now available on the Expansion Pass for Nintendo Switch Online.

Mario Tennis Game Boy Color

1. Mario Tennis (GBC)

The number one spot on this list was either going to go to Mario Tennis (N64) or Mario Tennis (GBC). Developed by Camelot Software Planning during its most fruitful decade of production, both games were released to critical acclaim, with reviewers and players praising the gameplay, roster, and sense of speed. Either title does more than enough to earn this spot, but for my money, I think the Game Boy Color version is the better of the two.

Arriving not long before the launch of the Game Boy Advance, Mario Tennis on the GBC got about as much as you could possibly get out of that weak hardware, creating a seamless and full-featured tennis experience. Following in the footsteps of 1999's Mario Golf for the Game Boy Color, Mario Tennis also featured an extensive single-player RPG mode that had players working up the ranks of the Royal Academy. Some might argue the GBA sequel did everything this game did but better, but I'm sticking with my guns on this one. Mario Tennis for the Game Boy Color is an endlessly enjoyable game and my pick for the best Nintendo sports game of all time.

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Surprise, Sports Story is available now on Nintendo Switch Fri, 23 Dec 2022 17:37:23 +0000 Sports Story

Nintendo closes up its House of Indies with some sports

Today's the last day of Nintendo's House of Indies celebration, and one particular indie closed out the festivities. Sports Story from Sidebar Games is out now on the Nintendo Switch.

The follow-up to 2017's Golf Story is live now on the Nintendo Switch eShop, with a $14.99 price tag. According to the description, Sports Story continues to mix sports and RPG, much like Golf Story did.

But as the name implies, there are a lot of sporting activities in the mix. There are eight unique golf courses, a tennis world tour, the ability to start your own soccer team, and apparently even some radical BMXing to do.

It's an exciting bit of news to end a week-long celebration of indies on the Switch. While most probably had a hunch that Sports Story would be the closer due to its recently locked-in December window, it's a nice surprise to ring in the holidays.

Teeing off the new year

It wasn't all Sports Story today, though. Nintendo's House of Indies event closed with a look at some more upcoming games that also look pretty intriguing.

Dust & Neon is a cyber-western roguelite that seems like it would appeal to most Borderlands fans. It's a top-down twin-stick shooter that mixes gunplay and big boss fights with run-over-run progression, as you try to build the best 'bot hero you can. That's aiming for early 2023.

For something a bit more somber, there's Undying, an indie project that's about a mom and her son trying to get by in the zombie apocalypse. The mom has been bitten, and with her days numbered, the goal is to get the son ready to survive without her guidance. Seems like it could be a tearjerker when it hits Nintendo Switch in spring 2023.

Finally, we got one more update on Sea of Stars. Yasunori Mitsuda, the famed composer behind games like Chrono Trigger, is working on the RPG from Sabotage Studio, and he popped up in today's House of Indies stream to give a look at how the music is coming together. Here's hoping this RPG comes together for its 2023 launch.

That's all for the House of Indies this year. This new event has been an interesting way to drop info and surprise releases right at the end of the year, and I'm curious to see if it keeps up for the new year. The timing isn't perfect, given many people are headed into their holidays. But me? I'm happy to have some sports to tackle as the winter cold arrives.

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Mario Strikers: Battle League final free update adds Birdo and Bowser Jr. Mon, 12 Dec 2022 17:30:06 +0000 Mario Strikers Battle League

The last new strikers hit pitch

It looks like updates for Mario Strikers: Battle League are coming to a close, and they're doing it with two familiar faces. The Wave 3 update adds Bowser Jr. and Birdo to the soccer title, in what Nintendo says is the final free update for Mario Strikers: Battle League.

Shown off in the latest trailer, Bowser Jr. is a balanced competitor with accurate passes. I guess the little dude learned teamwork somewhere. Birdo, meanwhile, is an offensive powerhouse with powerful shots. See them in action below:

While Mario Strikers has added three batches of post-launch characters and other updates, like special gear and arenas, it looks like the free updates are coming to a close. Over on social media, Nintendo UK says this is the "final free update" for Mario Strikers: Battle League.

Though the door may still be open for paid DLC somewhere down the line, it looks like this particular sports spinoff is coming to a close soon.

End of regulation

Mario Strikers: Battle League went live back in June of this year, and it seemed to deliver some high-octane soccer to fans. Soccer hadn't seen much love in the Mario sports-sphere in some time, so it was nice to see this particular line of spin-offs get a new entry.

While most of the Switch-era sports spinoffs have seen a decent number of free post-launch updates, it's sad to see this particular one come to a close. Whether this means we'll see another entry on the way soon or not isn't clear yet, but since the Switch seems to be sticking around a while, I'm hopeful we see some other sports entries revived. Mario needs to play some baseball again, is all I'm saying.

The third free update for Mario Strikers: Battle League goes live on December 13.

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EA Sports’ college football revival is aiming for summer 2024 Tue, 22 Nov 2022 18:00:45 +0000 EA Sports NCAA Football college

The return of virtual college football is still a ways away

Electronic Arts' return to college football is still a ways off. EA Sports confirms it's aiming for a summer 2024 revival of its college football series.

Speaking to ESPN, EA Sports VP and general manager Daryl Holt said the timing is due to how much of an undertaking this will be.

"That's the best date for us to bring the game that we think is going to meet or exceed our player expectations," Holt told ESPN. "And cover the breadth and scale of what we want in the game. We're trying to build a very immersive college football experience."

Part of this involves use real college football players in the game. Before, using players' likeness in a new EA Sports college football seemed like a non-starter. But as Holt describes it, "the road's open now, but it's still under construction."

This echoes some comments from July 2021 about the possibility of using real players in the virtual experience. An EA source told ESPN that players will be compensated if they appear in-game.

Back to school

EA first announced back in February of 2021 that college football would be returning to the EA Sports fold. Alongside today's window, EA also confirms that both Road to Glory and Dynasty modes will be in store for the new series.

Since we've been without virtual college football since 2013, this news probably sparks some hope for fans of the sport. That being said, player likenesses and compensation still seem to be a lingering question mark. At the very least, a summer 2024 window gives Electronic Arts some time to figure it all out.

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New Mario Strikers: Battle League demo available on Switch Mon, 14 Nov 2022 19:00:28 +0000 mario strikers battle league demo switch nintendo

Labored with NINTENDO RULES (tm)

Nintendo has released a new demo for its madcap sports title Mario Strikers: Battle League, giving Switch owners the opportunity to check out the colorful and chaotic soccer game free of charge. The demo is available to download from the eShop now.

Nintendo had previously released a trial for Mario Strikers prior to the game's launch back in June of this year, but that particular demo was locked to Nintendo Online subscribers. While this new demo can be accessed by all Switch users, it is still limited to Nintendo's precious limitations. For starters, only one game of the Cup Battle feature can be played before the option is locked out. In addition, players can only experience the "Quick Match" feature seven times, before that too becomes inaccessible.

It's likely that Nintendo is hoping to get more footy fans on board, given the coming of the FIFA World Cup. But it's going to be a tough sell. While Mario Strikers: Battle League is a perfectly fine multiplayer title for anyone who wants a kickabout with pals, the full release has also been criticized for being very barebones, while also suffering from a distinct lack of major content drops/roster expansions since its initial launch. At $60, it's a hefty ask for a game that has been particularly subdued during its honeymoon period.

Still, if you and some pals fancy a bit of goofy footballing fun, then perhaps this new demo might help to win you over. At least you'll come away without any astro-burns, nor will you have to suffer some Big Lad blowing an air horn in your ear.

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Blaseball is back, and ready to warp splorts reality once again Thu, 27 Oct 2022 21:00:18 +0000 Blaseball

We talk to the Blaseball team about what's in store for the new Era

It was the year 2020, and everyone was inside. The world was slowly coming to grips with a pandemic, and everyone was indoors and online. Amid it all, there was Blaseball.

Blaseball is, at its most distilled form, a sports game. Users join through the website and assign themselves to a team of choice, like the Houston Spies or Baltimore Crabs, either through regional loyalty or just digging their vibe. Each team is populated by generated players, who play out their games in A.I.-driven baseball games, like watching a bunch of CPU opponents fight in Super Smash Bros.

The teams play matches throughout the week, effectively simulating a season of baseball, and users bet in-game currency on the outcomes, akin to Salty Bet matches. Those earnings can be used for your own purposes, or to help the team try and secure certain advantages through a bidding process.

And this is where Blaseball gave way to its, let’s say, stranger side. Because the “splort” itself is just a piece of the greater puzzle. What Blaseball truly became was a greater work of community and collaborative fiction. 

Developer The Game Band would incorporate bizarre rules and situations, like extra bases for one team to run or blooddrain raining down on the field. Star players would be incinerated in matches. A peanut god entombed competitors in peanut shells. Wild times.

A new Era

So it’s 2022, and Blaseball is back. The Game Band is kicking off a season of Fall Ball as a build-up to the new Era. After a Great Siesta and a lot of time poking, prodding, and examining, the team is reapproaching what Blaseball is.

I sat down with Sam Rosenthal, Joel Clark, and Stephen Bell, three leads behind Blaseball and its upcoming return. And as Rosenthal describes it, the team has taken a chance to look at what they want Blaseball to be at a higher level. The first version was very “reactive,” Rosenthal says, and went well beyond expectations. But the cadence, methods, and team size were not sustainable.

The Game Band now stands at 27 employees strong, up from the “five or six” they started Blaseball with. And a new version of Blaseball is powering it.

“It’s kind of like a rethinking, a reboot, of what Blaseball was,” said Rosenthal.

The Fall Ball

Approachability and community are two aspects Rosenthal goes on to highlight as changes. A core focal point of Blaseball has been its community; teams’ fans assemble in Discords and on social media, organizing planning sessions alongside charity efforts and general outreach. The robust community aspects made Blaseball feel heaven-sent amid the pandemic. But it’s also made it tough for newcomers arriving, and seeing floods of messages, in-language, and constant games, to know where to start.

Fall Ball is helping with that. The current event is described by The Game band as a prologue event, showing a universe in formation. Players are, for lack of a better term, being “burped” into the universe and dropped onto random teams. There’s some anticipation on who will appear in this world. And also, it provides a nice onboarding point.

Still, the core of Blaseball is its emergent narrative. No other anecdote is as effective as illustrating this than the story of Jaylen Hotdogfingers. The pitcher was effectively raised from the dead through a bit of a loophole, and then became a necromantic terror that was beaning batters at the plate to mark them for incineration. Jaylen and so many others became tall tales, living legends of the Blaseball scene that drove the drama between each A.I.-driven sim session.

Emerging narrative

The Game Band calls Blaseball an emergent narrative game. “That’s not going away,” Clark tells me. And while there is improvisation, the studio has also been able to map out a bit more in advance thanks to the break time between the conclusion of Blaseball’s Discipline Era and now.

“We do still plan to be improvisational, and like, be able to build on these fan stories during this Era, but so much of it’s planned in advance,” said Clark. “So we have to find this balance of designing the possibility space where fans might take the emergent narrative. When we’re designing each season, we see where it might go, where were the corners that the fans might find and take this in?”

The Game Band previously had to work around edge cases like Jaylen’s necromancy on the fly, as Bell tells me. The team was always planning ahead before. But the big change has been having so much time to map out a whole possibility space.

“We, previously, had a small possibility space, and then we would be rushing to expand it over the course of an Era,” said Rosenthal. “And now we have taken the time to really think through what we want the possibility space to be, and have a better sense for where we can jump in and react, you know, based on what the fans latch onto.”

Talk to me

The communication aspect is also one The Game Band has considered. The team didn’t go into too much detail on exactly what it’s planning. But it is thinking about aspects of how people organize and participate outside of the game, and to be more intentional with how the community can talk to one another.

Discords are still going to have a place in Blaseball, the team assures. But they’re not networks the team made, and they’ve become core parts of the experience. The team has been thinking a lot about what worked well and didn’t work well with those aspects, as it looks at ways to help people connect in the game.

Core parts of Blaseball will continue to remain, though. The sparseness, Clark says, goes a long way towards the game being improvisational. It’s easier to be more mysterious and adaptive when a game doesn’t need massive 3D models, after all. But Blaseball is getting “a fresh coat of paint,” to add a bit more to the experience.

More points the team examined include making big moments clearer, so users have a better idea of when to “tune in” for something big. Season will feel very different as the games roll on, too. The sim is fairly new, if not totally new. That means changing some aspects.

“And I’ll stay a little vague here, but it’s really giving us more ground to cover,” said Clark. “And there’s just a lot more that we can play with there.”

Bell mentions worrying about how many more ways the team could have played with baseball. Blaseball has had catastrophic weather and incinerations. It turned a contest with a peanut god into a live RPG boss battle. Bell even jokes about an idea he pitched, exponential runs, that never saw the light of day.

Expanding the game

When looking at how to expand and add depth, Bell cites Dwarf Fortress. The idea of expanding interiority, in the case of the dwarves, can add more of that depth. The team is being understandably vague, as the mystery and deeper lore is a core part of Blaseball that The Game Band is still working to retain, even as it makes the on-ramp easier.

But with the new Era of Blaseball, it doesn’t feel like The Game Band is trying to recapture the moment. It’s not really possible to do that anyways. Blaseball, as it was in 2020, was of its time. And now the team is looking at what Blaseball can be in 2022. It’s daunting, but as a Blaseball aficionado, pretty exciting.

Through a mobile app, on-boarding and helping players who only jump on for five minutes a time, the doors to Blaseball doors are opening a bit more. It’s this bizarre, otherworld “splort” that is happening in the background. Until a notification hits your phone, and chaos lets loose. This is the start of a new universe, picking up where the old one left off. The Game Band seems intent on bringing in old Blaseball fans and newcomers alike.

And as Clark jokes at the conclusion of our chat: “We’re hoping it’s just as cursed.”

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EA Sports announces investments and partnerships with women’s soccer initiatives Thu, 20 Oct 2022 17:30:07 +0000 fifa 23 ea sports uwcl women's soccer football

Multi-year partnerships with UWCL announced

This year's final collaboration between Electronic Arts and FIFA, FIFA 23, is the first title in the long-standing series to feature women's club football. And, in addition this long overdue feature in smash-selling franchise, EA Sports has also announced its intention to invest in women's football via a series of new initiatives.

Firstly, EA will contribute $11 million USD via its "Starting XI" fund, which will be invested in women's clubs, leagues, and up-and-coming players. This will be followed in 2023 by a new internship program, which will be extended to all of its women's footballing partners in order to help support and finance new and upcoming players as they begin their journey to glory within The Beautiful Game.

"EA Sports is at the epicenter of global football fandom, and we recognize the role we have in representing and elevating diversity and participation in the sport,” said Brand SVP Andrea Hopelain. “Our commitment extends beyond the pitch in the virtual and real world. The Starting XI Fund reinforces our dedication to unrivaled authenticity and representation in our games, and also showcases our focus on being changemakers for the future of the sport."

In addition to these investments, EA has entered into a multi-year partnership with the UEFA Women's Championship League (UWCL), to license and include its team's within its future footballing releases, (which will be released under the newly licensed title of EA Sports FC). In alignment with the new UEFA license, EA will become a sponsorship partner for the streaming platform DAZN, which is poised to become the official streaming network for UWCL matches as of spring 2023.

"We are thrilled to officially announce EA Sports as DAZN’s newest global broadcast sponsor of the UWCL coverage, as part of a budding roster of like-minded brands investing into the ever-strengthening women’s football economic ecosystem," said DAZN Group CEO Shay Segev, CEO. "What EA SPORTS is doing to advance the women’s game is game-changing, and we look forward to activating this new partnership to collectively reach and engage millions more fans around the globe and inspire the next generation along the way.

FIFA 23 is available now on PlayStation, PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch platforms. It has already seen the biggest launch in franchise history, pulling in an incredible 10 million players in its launch week.

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FIFA 23 smashes past 10 million players for series’ biggest ever launch Thu, 13 Oct 2022 12:00:56 +0000 fifa 23 ea biggest launch 10 million players

That was Liquid Football

Electronic Arts has proudly announced that the newest entry of its long-running football sim, FIFA 23, has been a blockbuster success — No surprises there, given that its one of the best-selling gaming franchises of all time — However, it seems that this particular entry has broken all series records, raking in a staggering 10.3 million players during its launch week.

"The response from our fans has been nothing short of incredible, and we’re thrilled that our community is playing with their favourite players and teams across FIFA 23 in record numbers," writes EA Sports FC SVP Nick Wlodyka. "With both the Men’s and Women’s World Cups, and exciting updates to our women’s club football content in game still yet to come, we’re just getting started on providing players with the most authentic and immersive experience yet."

FIFA 23 is the 30th installment in the football simulation series, which dates all the way back to 1993's FIFA International Soccer. The new title represents the end of an era, as it will be the final EA football game to sport the official FIFA branding. Going forward, EA will continue to produce its highly lucrative franchise under the new title of EA Sports FC, while governing body FIFA will be launching its own video game series which it claims will be "the real game"... Good luck with that, fellas.

The new game utilizes the all-new HyperMotion2 animation engine, and sports a new Technical Dribbling control system. FIFA 23 features over 30 licensed leagues, over 700 clubs, and over 100 licensed stadiums, and is the first title in the series to feature official women's football leagues, including the FA Women's Super League. Chelsea player Sam Kerr is the first woman footballer to receive a front cover depiction.

Of course, the Football Ultimate Team (FUT) player-collecting system returns. The microtransaction-based side-project has quickly become a core element of the FIFA series, bringing in literally millions of dollars for EA, but not without its own scandals and controversies. The FIFA 23 iteration will no doubt continue to prove a license to print money.

FIFA 23 is available on PlayStation, PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch platforms.

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Ted Lasso and AFC Richmond are headed to FIFA 23 Wed, 21 Sep 2022 16:00:13 +0000 Ted Lasso FIFA 23

Manage the comedy series' team your way

This is a bit different from the usual news of a club signing on for FIFA. Electronic Arts confirms that Ted Lasso, of the series Ted Lasso, and the AFC Richmond squad are joining the roster of FIFA 23.

Jason Sudeikis' portrayal of lovable coach Ted Lasso will appear in-game, as well as a host of others from the AFC Richmond crew. Coach Beard, Jamie Tartt, Dani Rojas, Sam Obisanya, Roy Kent, and Isaac McAdoo are all lined up. Their home field of Nelson Road is also being integrated into FIFA 23.

And honestly, they all look solid in motion. Check it out in the trailer below.

According to the EA blog about the news, Ted will be selectable as a playable manager in Career Mode. You can also opt to manage AFC Richmond, swapping them into the Premier League or other playable Career Mode leagues.

AFC Richmond will also be playable in other modes, like Kick-Off, Online Friendlies, and Online Seasons, with the Nelson Road stadium available.

Kits and TIFOs for AFC Richmond are also being incorporated into Ultimate Team, as well as the option to have Ted or Coach Beard as your club manager. All AFC Richmond content in the FUT mode will be available through objectives and challenges.

Barbeque sauce

If you're not familiar, Ted Lasso is a series on Apple+ based on an NBC shorts series. Ted is an American football coach who moves to England to take up the head coaching job for a Premier League team, and while it's definitely a comedy, it's also pretty heartfelt and enjoyable.

So it's definitely rad to see the whole AFC crew in here, and yeah, I'm actually kind of into the idea of playing a season as Ted and AFC. That chance isn't far off either. FIFA 23 goes live on September 30 for PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Stadia.

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Omega Strikers is a fast-paced new competitive multiplayer game from former Riot devs Fri, 16 Sep 2022 15:00:05 +0000 Omega Strikers

The closed beta kicks off today

Odyssey Interactive is officially revealing its first title. It's a fast-paced competitive game that mixes sports, MOBA, and more called Omega Strikers.

The new three-on-three "knockout striker," as Odyssey describes it, is a free-to-play and cross-platform competitive game. It's launching a closed beta on PC via Steam today, and will launch on mobile later this year, with a console release aiming for sometime in 2023.

But what is Omega Strikers? The best description might be that it's like if soccer, League of Legends, and physics-based fighters like Smash Bros. all blended into one new genre.

Each team plays on a top-down arena, with a goal on either side. The idea is to smack the puck, called the core, around and knock them into the enemy's goal to score points. Victory is achieved when a team hits five points and goes up by two.

Rough play is encouraged though, as characters can not only fight over the core, but also just plain fight. Abilities allow players to knock each other off the arena, creating power play potential in the interim.

An interesting cross-up

It's an interesting combination of different competitive genres, which isn't too surprising given the team behind it. Odyssey Interactive is a new studio, but its founders are former Riot Games developers, who have worked on League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics. With Omega Strikers, they're tackling a different kind of game that still has some familiar ideas. Hero characters, fast combat, and designs that pop. Just add a puck and a goal.

Omega Strikers will launch with ten Strikers, their individual characters with unique designs and abilities to use in the arena. It plans to add more in future updates, alongside additional arenas, skins, unlockables, and more ways to compete.

Crucially, Odyssey also says there will be no loot boxes, consumable power boosts, or paid competitive advantages. All Strikers will be unlockable through regular play, as well as purchasable through the in-game store. Omega Strikers will also be cross-platform for play and cross-progression. So as other platforms start to roll out, players won't have to rebuild their roster of Strikers.

The closed beta goes live on PC via Steam today, with plans to distribute keys via Twitch drops à la Valorant. Tune into anyone playing on Twitch and once you've watched enough, you can get access for yourself.

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Riders Republic is adding BMX to its sports lineup Sat, 10 Sep 2022 19:32:15 +0000 Riders Republic BMX

A new set of wheels hits the Republic

Season 4 will start soon in Ubisoft's action sports game Riders Republic, and it's got a new way to ride too. BMX is coming to Riders Republic with the new season, going live on September 14.

The new season will add a new sport and career to Riders Republic. Also coming in the update are some new disciplines in street, dirt, and park.

An entire new zone will be coming to Riders Republic as well, spotlighting Area 51. Maybe don't try to grind too close to where they keep the aliens.

Riders Republic is also hosting a free weekend right now, which you can hop into via the site here. The extreme sports game will also be free on Ubisoft Connect via Ubisoft Plus from September 10 through October 10. Basically, there are several ways you can dip a toe into the Riders Republic over the coming days.

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Bomb Rush Cyberfunk delayed to summer 2023 Wed, 31 Aug 2022 16:30:09 +0000 Bomb Rush Cyberfunk

The Jet Set successor needs more time to get it right

Team Reptile is taking a little more time on Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. The quest to paint the town, challenge crews, and more will now be aiming for summer 2023.

In a post to social media, the developer says it needs more time in order to realize its vision for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk.

"About the release: We are convinced that releasing the game this year will not take it to a level where we would be personally satisfied with. To create a fulfilling and unique game we are extending the development time of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk to summer 2023."

But that's not the only bit of Bomb Rush Cyberfunk news this week. Team Reptile says it will be dumping "a lot more visuals" this week, to show how the action-sports hybrid is shaping up.

Rise and grind

There's already been one drop today, highlighting the boostpacks players can use to do tricks. In the video example, Team Reptile shows off a Boost Trick, a 1080 spin. Landing this into a manual can keep the combo going, and coming at it from higher ground and landing in a manual boosts your speed.

While it's a bummer we won't be seeing Bomb Rush Cyberfunk this year after all, it's good that Team Reptile is taking its time. The Lethal League developer has impressed me with just about every showing of Cyberfunk so far.

It's got the right style, and it's got great moves across the different styles of traversal. While a Jet Set style game might go for skates, Team Reptile has also shown off skateboards and BMX bikes too. Tack on some fantastic music and purported battles for turf, and yeah, I'm keen to see Team Reptile fully realize their vision.

We'll see what the team has in store for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk next summer.

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Super Volleyball gets its spike on in the Arcade Archives Sat, 27 Aug 2022 17:00:38 +0000 super volleyball arcade archives hamster

Playing with the Boys

Something a little more low-key from the retro fun-fans over at Hamster this week, as the labyrinthine Arcade Archives has been bolstered with the arrival of Video System's hard-spikin' Super Volleyball on PS4 and Nintendo Switch.

Released to the arcade market in 1989, before receiving home ports on the Sega Mega Drive and the TurboGrafx-16, Super Volleyball is an incredibly typical take on the high-jumping beach sport. Two teams of four players battle it out on a very basic 2D plane, with each team representing one of eight global nations.

While Super Volleyball features neat animation and some neat picture-in-picture cutscenes, it has a generally clunky vibe and seems dated, even by 1989 standards. The same year would see other sports titles such as Midway's Arch Rivals, Technos' WWF Superstars, and Sega's Super Monaco GP. By comparison, Video System's release feels several years out of time and is admittedly a tough recommend in 2022.

You can check out the action in the video below, courtesy of YouTuber Victory-Class Star Destroyer. Super Volleyball is available to download now on PS4 and Nintendo Switch, priced at around $8.

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Arcade1Up announces an NFL Blitz Legends cabinet with three football classics Mon, 15 Aug 2022 19:30:44 +0000 NFL Blitz Arcade1Up

Some of the late-hits are toned down, though

Arcade1Up has another retro-revival arcade cabinet on the way, and this one's for the sports fans. The new NFL Blitz Legends cabinet combines three remasters of the popular over-the-top NFL Blitz series.

The three games in the cabinet are 1997's NFL Blitz, 1998's NFL Blitz '99, and NFL Blitz 2000: Gold Edition from 1999. All three are remastered in the cabinet, which will go for $599.

The cabinet features Arcade1Up's usual details, like full side art and a matching riser. Four spots are open for play too, so you can get the whole crew on the sticks for some Blitz. And while it's good for local co-op, the Blitz cab also supports online multiplayer via Wi-Fi, as well as leaderboards.

For the cabinet, Arcade1UP partnered with the National Football League and Football Greats Alliance to feature all of the football greats. This includes Dan Marino, Jerry Rice, Deion Sanders, Brett Favre, Jerome Bettis, Terrell Davis, and Cris Carter.

Diving into the endzone

Some of the more rowdy violence has been a bit toned back, however. According to a press release, a specific set of tackles and after-the-whistle hits were removed or edited in the remastered versions of these three NFL Blitz games. These changes support the NFL's current Player Health and Safety Initiatives. So sorry, a little bit of the after-the-whistle shenanigans will be tuned down, as they've been in other releases.

This isn't the only big arcade cabinet announcement out of Arcade1Up in the last few weeks. The at-home cabinet designer also announced a Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 cabinet at Evo 2022, bringing the classic crossover and several other cross-franchise fighters together for a fighting game collection.

Pre-orders for the NFL Blitz cabinet are live here at the Arcade1Up site. Shipping is expected to start sometime in early October.

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Soccer Story is a new soccer-centric sports RPG arriving later this year Thu, 11 Aug 2022 20:30:23 +0000 Soccer Story

Get a kick out of this new sports adventure

A new sports RPG is on the scene, and it's delivering quite the kick. Soccer Story is a new soccer-based RPG adventure, arriving on PC, Nintendo Switch, Stadia, PlayStation, and Game Pass later this year.

This new adventure is published by No More Robots and is in development at PanicBarn. You might know them as the studio behind dystopian American life sim series Not Tonight. As you can see, Soccer Story is a bit more fantasy and light-hearted. Or at least, at first glance.

In the world of Soccer Story, the Calamity has torn apart the foundations of soccer. You, the player, have been chosen by a magic football to become the Savior of Soccer, bringing salvation and harmony to the world once more.

How? Well, with plenty of goals, of course.

It looks like there's all kinds of variations and uses for the magical soccer ball, ranging from combat and puzzle-solving to good old-fashioned football. And there will be multiplayer in the game as well, so you and up to three friends can compete in the soccer stadium.

The wide, wide world of sports

Yes, this does have some distinct airs of Golf Story and its in-development successorSports Story. Both the sports-RPG design and play-anywhere world navigation remind me a ton of Sidebar Games' Switch gem.

The concept of a sports RPG is not wholly new either; the Mario Golf series and other games have been tooling around in that arena for ages. But it does seem like there's been an influx of sports-themed RPGs lately, and really, I'm all here for it.

Soccer Story has a fun premise, a great look to it, and a whole lot of charm in how it's handling its fantasy soccer world. This might be one to watch for, especially if you've been craving the Golf Story take on the classic game of football.

No release date's been set yet, but Soccer Story is aiming to launch sometime this year. You can sign up for the Steam beta right now on the game's site here.

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AEW: Fight Forever features officially announced following store leaks Wed, 03 Aug 2022 14:30:32 +0000 aew fight forever yukes official reveal cover

Check it out before TK has a trademark change of heart

Yukes, THQ, and All Elite Wrestling (AEW) have "officially announced" the company's first-ever foray into the video game world, AEW: Fight Forever. While the existence of the game was no secret, the teams put out today's statement after multiple retailers — including Amazon UK and Xtralife — revealed several features, modes, roster members, and the cover art to the debutante wrestling title.


According to the retailer listings and the official statement, the digital ring-rocker will feature newly optimized tag mechanics, support for online Vs/co-op multiplayer, as well as a huge arsenal of over 40 weapons, daily in-game challenges, and much more. A selection of featured match types includes standard one-on-one, multi-wrestler, and tag-team showdowns, Ladder matches, Unsanctioned Lights Out brawls, Exploding Barb Wire Death Matches, and, an AEW trademark, the Casino Battle Royale.

A selection of new screenshots, (alongside what is hopefully placeholder artwork for the final release), features known roster members Kenny Omega, Nyla Rose, Kris Statlander, and Chris Jericho depicted alongside as-yet-unannounced AEW stars such as Dr. Britt Baker, Jon Moxley, Yuka Sakazaki, Darby Allin, Abadon, Thunder Rosa, and the current AEW TBS Champion, Jade Cargill. Referee Aubrey Edwards is also present, presiding over the in-ring action.

"One of the first things I did after signing with AEW was to ask [AEW promoter] Tony Khan to let me help assemble the best gaming team on the planet, to make the best wrestling game ever," said Omega, EVP of AEW. "Well, we just landed the perfect finisher by partnering with global publishing and distribution powerhouse THQ Nordic for AEW: Fight Forever. The THQ brand has long been synonymous with wrestling games – there is simply no more qualified partner to bring AEW: Fight Forever to the millions of wrestling fans the world over."

The road to release has been something of a rocky one for AEW: Fight Forever. Originally announced back in November 2020, the drip-feed of information and in-game footage has been relatively slow — with even these retail listings offering up far more information on the title than anything that has been officially released by the promotion itself. There have also been online whispers that Fight Forever is having a difficult development cycle, with stories of creative differences between the developers and wrestlers involved, as well as unconfirmed rumors that the project has already gone way over budget.

AEW: Fight Forever, deep in development at veteran wrestling game studio Yukes, is currently scheduled to release on PlayStation, PC, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch platforms. There is still no word of an official launch date outside of its tentative release window of 2022.

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Whip it Good: Roller Jammer skates into the Arcade Archives Sun, 31 Jul 2022 17:00:37 +0000 roller jammer arcade archives ps4 switch hamster

Rock, Rock, Rockin' Rollergames...

It's time to get your skates on, quite literally, (well, digitally), as the retro fun fans over at Hamster have added Nichibutsu's whirling derby dervish Roller Jammer to PS4 and Nintendo Switch — the latest addition to its record-breaking Arcade Archives range.

Release to arcades way back in 1984, Roller Jammer is a very loose take on the world's most complicated sport: Roller Derby. Instead of being packed out with screaming, tattoed gals sporting cool names like "Anna Geddon", this digital take on hard-hitting wheeled warfare features a bunch of boring 8-bit dudes. We were still a good six years away from the debut of the outrageous, WWE-like show Rollergames, and thus Roller Jammer boasts a less glamorous, simplistic take on the sport.

Check out the action in the video below, courtesy of YouTuber Old Classic Retro Gaming.

Perhaps understanding that it does not have tech available to recreate the ins and outs of roller derby proper, Nichibutsu chooses to play a little fast and loose with its adaptation of the sport, tasking playing with gunning through thin slaloms of flags before eventually engaging in an every-man-for-themselves race, complete with a hilarious "double lariat" maneuver. While Roller Jammer's relative obscurity makes this Arcade Archives release a little notable, ultimately it's pretty difficult to recommend this title.

Roller Jammer is available to download now on PS4 and Nintendo Switch, priced at around $8.

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Rollerdrome mixes Tony Hawk with a fistful of bullets Tue, 26 Jul 2022 13:00:11 +0000 Rollerdrome

Rollerdrome turns skateparks into warzones, and does it pretty well

Missiles rain down. Snipers bead in on me. Land mines are flying out across the park, lying in wait. And I am doing the sickest flip I can to refill my ammo. Rollerdrome is filled with a lot of moments like these: doing a nose grind in the face of death, and letting loose with a hail of bullets in response.

Rollerdrome is the new game from Roll7, a studio well-known for its OlliOlli franchise. While the team is sticking with extreme sports, it's roller-skates rather than skateboards this time around, and the skateparks are a bit more dangerous than they used to be. We got to check out a preview build to see just how.

The world of Rollerdrome pits competitors against the House in an arena spectacle. Taking on the role of Kara Hassan in the year 2030, you compete in the brutal blood-sport of Rollerdrome. While you compete in each match, some of them are punctuated by brief explorations of this world, and the sometimes bleak future it paints.

In its art and world, Rollerdrome is absolutely fantastic. The retro-futuristic tone, mixing tech and throwback in equal measure, makes for a very distinct world. And with each new arena, it feels like you're seeing a bit more of what this world is, what it's become, and how it could wind up supporting a bizarre sport like Rollerdrome.

Rip, grind, shred

As you compete and rise up the ranks, you also start to unravel some of what's going on behind-the-scenes at the corporations running this bloody circus. But hey, until then, you need to drop in and take some guys out. The most succinct description of Rollerdrome is that it feels like Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, but with an arsenal of guns.


Each stage is a deathmatch, where enemies spawn in waves and you need to eliminate them as fast as possible. Aiming is easy enough as locking on and pulling the trigger, which might seem straightforward at first. But that's because aiming and shooting aren't the only moves you're pulling off in the arena.

Tricks are a key part of the deathmatch, too. Alongside adding some style to your routine and upping your score, tricks are also how you reload in Rollerdrome. This isn't just a good push to engage with the level as a skatepark as much as an arena, but it's a constant tension between the player and the game. It helps that tricks are fairly streamlined, with a healthy but manageable list of moves to keep in mind as you skate along.

In frequent situations, I'd find myself scouring not just for the next enemy to take down, but the best route for doing so. Sure, I could just pepper that sniper from a ways away with my dual pistols; but if I took the ramp and went up and over, I could get close enough for my shotgun and do a trick reload, all in one go.


Guns blazing

The weapons add a good bit of variety to the action, too. While the pistols are your basic bread-and-butter, Rollerdrome keeps adding new options that add a little bit more. The grenade launcher is great for dealing with crowds. And the shotgun was a fast favorite; it has a quick-action, active-reload-style system where after locking onto an enemy, a timed shot would unleash a slug-shot that had a little more power to it.

Of course, there are constant dangers to consider too. Enemies start off with just bats, bringing sports equipment to a roller-derby-gunfight. But snipers soon add a wrinkle, as they gradually hone in on you and take a shot once you've been in their sights too long. Missile launcher enemies release a storm of explosives that follow you around the level, and riot shield foes are just the worst. They wait for you at the bottom of a ramp with a hello and a shield to the face.

Getting out the other side is one challenge. But Rollerdrome is built on challenges, much like the OlliOlli games. Each level has its own set of objectives, ranging from score-based markers to very specific ones. One level might ask you to blow up a few missiles that are hot on your trail, while another might call for executing a specific trick over the arena's combo markers.


Mastering the motions

If the two systems, shooting and skating, were at odds at all, it would be easy to see one taking over and pulling it all apart at the seams. Roll7 uses a few specific mechanics, like spot-on perfect dodges and trick-reloading, to keep the action and the score-chasing neatly entwined.

The core realization for me, in the levels I got to play of Rollerdrome, was that I didn't need to look for just openings, but whole routes. Say, for example, I saw a sniper on the far side that was really a thorn in my side. I could go right for them, or I could calculate out a route to deal with some enemies on the way, building up points and keeping my ammo stocked in the process.

Going from barely scraping by to sorting the match out in style is a really good feeling that Rollerdrome nails down. I did sometimes get a little frustrated with having to insert dodges into my tricks, but the chaos kept me rolling on through.

Roll7 has shown they've got a keen sense of how to handle an extreme sports game. This is a bit of an evolution. Rollerdrome's arena battles do add a bit more work and mental RAM to the load, but it all clicks together in a chaotic ballet of tricks and bullets. Fans of both pro skating and pro sniping should keep an eye on this one.

Rollerdrome is out on August 13 for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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(Update) Ubisoft’s Roller Champions to wind down months into launch Tue, 26 Jul 2022 09:57:44 +0000 roller champions shut down ubisoft

Have the wheels fallen off?

[Update: In a new statement, Ubisoft has denied that Roller Champions is getting "canceled" after the current season ends. It did, however, note that it is currently planning on extending the current season, "Disco Fever," indefinitely as it works on a litany of issues, implements cross-invites, and puts together a major update to address all player concerns. You can read the full statement in the tweet below.]

According to rumors circulating the information superhighway, Ubisoft's futuristic multiplayer release Roller Champions is already getting set to hit the bricks, mere months after its arrival. The free-to-play title, which launched in beta in summer 2021, only received its official launch in May of this year.

The rumor comes from industry pundit and noted spoiler Jeff Grubb on the XboxEra podcast. Speaking for one of his many sources, Grubb suggests that Ubisoft is getting set to pull the plug on Roller Champions once it reaches its third season. While Ubisoft recently noted in a financial call that the title was coasting pretty well, developer Ubisoft Montreal has been very quiet in regards to updates, while the player count on Steam dwindles in double figures.

Given that the rumors broke over the weekend, we are yet to hear official word from Ubisoft itself either way. Perhaps today the studio will openly address the story, (or it may just stay suspiciously quiet). Either way, the fate that might be about to befall Roller Champions is becoming a common story. As developers and publishers chase the multiplayer dream, an abundance of titles — all of which had money, resources, and the talent of the respective studios' developers poured into them — are finding themselves all but abandoned in double quick time.

A multiplayer game is only as strong as its community and, if you cannot find one, then there is no salvaging the release. And that's a real shame for the individuals tasked with creating the title. Multiplayer games, generally, become hobbies, and video game fans only have so much time to pick and choose what they want to play. The sooner the industry realizes that the gaming community has neither the time nor desire to dedicate itself to every single "long-life" F2P multiplayer title on the block, the less time and talent will be wasted developing projects that publishers will lose immediate interest in.

Roller Champions is available now on PS4, PC, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.

Ubisoft’s Roller Champions will soon be cancelled, it’s claimed [VGC]

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Nintendo Switch Sports will get some fancy new moves in free update Fri, 22 Jul 2022 17:30:11 +0000 Nintendo Download: Nintendo Switch Sports

Be sure to lock that leg strap on tight

The summer is here, with plenty of sun to go around. But if you'd rather play some indoor sports, Nintendo Switch Sports is getting a free update next week that adds some new moves to its various games. Keep cool and annihilate the competition.

A new update arriving July 26 at 6 p.m. PT will add some new features to Nintendo Switch Sports. The big one is more leg strap integration with Soccer, allowing you to use real-life kicks full Soccer matches.

This should add a little more activity to Soccer, which previously used a mixture of Joy-Con presses and other motions. This option will let you really juice up your kicks with real-life motion. Just make sure your strap is on tight, as you don't want to kick-fling a Joy-Con across the room.

But if Soccer isn't your jam, there are some other updates coming to other modes. Volleyball gets a few new moves for players to execute, like the Slide Attack and Rocket Serve.

Join the league

The Nintendo Switch Sports update will also add new ranks to the Pro League modes. Joining Friend Matches using Room IDs will also make it easy to connect with others looking to launch soccer balls across the pitch with massive leg swings.

Nintendo Switch Sports is the Switch's take on the classic Wii Sports set-up, mixing motion controls and sporting activities for a family party game experience. It had its ups and downs, as you can read in our review; while mainstays like Bowling and Tennis stay mostly strong, other modes had some struggles.

Hopefully the new moves add a little extra oomph to everyone's virtual Soccer and Volleyball matches. The Nintendo Switch Sports free update goes live with these new changes on July 26, 2022.

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Mario Strikers Battle League adds Daisy and Shy Guy in first free update Tue, 19 Jul 2022 17:45:03 +0000 Mario Strikers Battle League free update

Plus a new stadium and some gear

The first free update for Mario Strikers: Battle League arrives this week. It's bolstering the cast with some classic Mario characters, and also adding some new gear and stadiums to mix up the action on the field.

Daisy and Shy Guy both join the Mario Strikers: Battle League roster on July 22, as part of the game's free update. Also included in the update is Knight Gear, a set of gear that focuses on shooting and strength, and the Desert Rain Stadium.

Daisy is a Technique-type player who's difficult to knock down. Shy Guy, meanwhile, is an all-rounder. Personally, I just really dig Shy Guy's special shot. He basically turns himself into a bullet and launches himself at the ball, and it's fantastic.

More Mario sports

It looks like Mario Strikers: Battle League will carry on the usual model for Mario sports games on the Switch. Both Mario Tennis Aces and Mario Golf: Super Rush got a series of updates post-launch, adding characters and more options to the action. They were also free updates, which is a nice alternative to a DLC drip-feed.

It feels like Mario Strikers: Battle League is destined for a similar lifespan to those games. I do hope some of the post-launch content eventually addresses the lack of solo options noted in our review of Battle League. As much fun as beating your friends at Mario soccer is, having something to do on the road is nice too.

As for the character choices so far, Daisy and Shy Guy seem like fun additions. My petition: get some wild, out-there picks in the Mario Strikers roster. You just know Wiggler would be a wild addition to the lineup. Maybe even a guest character?

Mario Strikers: Battle League is out now on the Nintendo Switch.

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Skate will be a free-to-play game, with cross-play and cross-progression Thu, 14 Jul 2022 17:00:31 +0000 Skate free to play

And it's also just called Skate

Electronic Arts and developer Full Circle hosted the first of a new video series about its upcoming Skate game today. Alongside confirming it's simply called Skate, the team confirms Skate will be a free-to-play live-service game.

The new episode of "The Board Room" goes into detail about the upcoming model for the new Skate. (Not Skate 4, by the way. Skate, period.) It's targeting PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, and will be both cross-play and cross-progression.

Skate will also be free to play. The team outlines four rules they have for their monetization: no pay-to-win, no map areas behind a paywall, no paid loot boxes, and no paid gameplay advantages.

In an interview with The VergeSkate head of product management Isabelle Mocquard says microtransactions in the game are "primarily" going to be for cosmetics and convenience.

"I want it to be very clear that it’s not a pay-to-win game," Mocquard tells The Verge. "There won’t be any gameplay areas hidden exclusively behind a paywall. Players won’t be able to buy any gameplay altering advantages."

The Skate team is planning on things like seasonal drops and live events, though it is still exploring options. Mobile is also an option the team is currently investigating.

Skate collaboration

Another feature the team talks about in this new update is CollaboZones. These let players collaboratively build areas that appear in other players' worlds. It's got a lot of potential for chaos, that's for sure. Giant ramps, slides, and sheer chaos seems like it fits the Skate bill.

No release date has been set yet. The team is extending out invites for the Skate playtest though, to get more players into the early look at this new skateboarding game. Just make sure you're opting in through proper channels, and not any sketchy websites.

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EA addresses the Skate 4 leak that’s been going around Tue, 12 Jul 2022 22:00:07 +0000 Skate

Be careful downloading files from sources you don't know

Over the last few days, an early build of the upcoming Skate game managed to leak onto the internet. Electronic Arts and the Skate team issued a statement today, asking players to respect the ToS and be careful with what they're downloading.

The skate. team recently re-emerged with a new trailer, titled "Still Working On It," showing off some pre-pre-alpha gameplay. But over the last week, reports of a leaked version have been cropping up across various forums.

We've seen some of the footage, and it looks to be a playable version of the pre-pre-alpha, though still very much a work-in-progress. Users report that tricks and animations are in, and it actually has that Skate feel to it. But it's also, obviously, extremely early.

EA published an update today addressing the leak. It also issues the old internet adage, of being careful what you download and run on your computer.

We’re aware of an earlier version of the game that has been distributed without our authorization. This build is from September 2021 and was never intended for external use. While we understand you’re excited to get into the game, we encourage you to be careful when downloading files from unknown sources (and remind you of the potential consequences of breaking EA’s Terms of Service). The best way to get the chance to play is by signing up for skate. insider playtesting here as we continue to invite more and more players into the game throughout the year.

Watch where you land

It's a bit of a bummer, but it also seems like the openness from the Skate devs about the game they're making (and its current state) has helped set a good tone for the Skate leak. EA has been letting some of its games, like skate. and the Dead Space remake showcase early looks that are surprisingly transparent.

These looks into development aren't pristine, but they're highly informative and open about the development process. It feels like players are now a bit more accepting and understanding that early builds are not what the finished project will look like. The leak still tosses a wrench in things, but a more proper playtest is on the way too. At least for now, it's probably better to wait and not download a sketchy file from some forum. It's rarely a good idea to begin with.

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