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An Ode to Cursedmas

*Sung to the melody of Christmastime is Here from a Charlie Brown Christmas.* Cursedmas time is hereCelebrate the weirdScary shit and hairy bitsTo feed off your fears Cursedmas time, oh joyFurry porn and yaoi Confusing bonersfor all th...


Occam Thoughts: Quagmire

Ever get overwhelmed by choices?  350 channels and nothing to watch. A library of books, games and movies and nothing strikes your fancy. So what do you do? What helps you scratch that itch for entertainment when every tool at your dis...


Occam Thoughts: Little Moments

Quick note before you read: I tried to make the photos appear at the regular size but had no luck. In the interest of time and my growing frustration I present to you the blog with the monster photos.  Hello everyone.  How have yo...


Occam Thoughts: Tears of Joy

I am going to cash in some Destructoid cred here and write not only a short blog but also one that has nothing to do with video games.  You will forgive me but in my excitement I can't contain myself.     Today this happ...


Hello, I'm Occams. Ask me a Question

I have enjoyed the past Ask Me Anything blogs posted by good and kindly folks.  So I would like to embrace this moment and put it to you, fair reader, to ask me a question.  It can be about anything, video game related or not...


Occams Thoughts: Mortal Kombat DLC Characters

Mortal Kombat X comes out this week.  The game looks fun in that "Steven Segal direct to video" sort of way and I’m looking forward to experiencing the story later this week the game arrives from Gamefly. One thing I th...


Occam Thoughts: Cream in My Coffee

It’s a slow day here on Destructoid and in the waking world.  It’s nice when things slow down but sometimes the quiet gets to be a little too much.  So you try to fill the quiet with sound.  Sounds like podca...


Occam Thoughts: Prints and Books

Hello.  How have you been?  Well, I hope.  I can feel Spring approaching.  Slowly creeping in, like a tickle in the back of your throat that signifies you are coming down with a cold.  As a creature of the cold...


Occam Thoughts: 9

9 years.  That’s almost David Bowie’s Five Years twice in a row.  I haven’t been here all 9.  Lordy, I can’t remember how long I’ve been here.  5 years?  4?  Maybe 6?  Je...


Occam Thoughts: Statues (image heavy)

Hello everyone.  Monday, Monday to quote the Mamas & the Papas.  As I sit here trying to wipe the sleep from my eyes and clear the cob webs from my brain, I think about the truly important things in life: stuff!  Con...


Occam Thoughts: Monthly Musings

Hello everyone.  How are you today?  Well I hope.  I wanted to talk a bit today about musings.  Musing that occur monthly.  I know January was sorely lacking and that’s on me.  The waking world devou...


Occam Thoughts: Christmas Music

It's Christmas time!  There's colored lights on trees and bows wrapped around boxes covered in crispy, shiny paper!  Festivities abound!  Children fidget anxiously in church dreaming of the sweet haul waiting for them ba...


Occam Thoughts: Promoting Blogs

Hello everyone. How are you? Christmas is fast approaching. That's fun. I want to talk to you for a moment today about Community Blogs. I have been working with He of the Pink Robe to get a bunch promoted. I'm still pretty new at this ...


Occams Thoughts: Collecting Art

Hello.  How have you been?  Well, I hope.  I want to share with you a bit of the collector side of myself.  See, I am a visual creature.  My memory mainly consists of a series of pictures.  For example, I ...


Occam Thoughts: Level Up

Hello.   How have you been?  Well I hope.  Fall is here.  Well, "here" can be relative.   Its here in terms of the calendar but its still entirely too hot in my waking world.  I need it to be overcas...


Occam Thoughts: Podcasts

I have found myself seeking some accompaniment when I am playing video games.� I used to listen to albums and audio books but lately the name of the game has been podcasts.� There is nothing more pleasant than facing the hordes of Hell in D...


You Wanna Adopt Me? I'd Adopt Me.

Another year has come and gone.� The hot dog breath of Summer is slowly relenting and giving way to the cool quiet of Fall.� PAX Prime aka the Battle in Seattle aka the Group Hug is happening starting tomorrow.� For some of you reading this...


Goodbye Robin

I just wanted to take a brief moment to say goodbye to a man who taught me how to laugh and the your eccentricities are a strength rather than a weakness. Yesterday, as I'm sure most of you know Robin Williams killed himself.� When I heard ...


Occam Thoughts: Youtube

So let�s see.� It�s been a while since I wrote one of these.�What�s new with me?� I�ve been engaging in all kinds of media lately.� Side note: That could be a really fancy way of saying looking at porn.� I�ve been playing a silly amount...


Occams Thoughts: 10 Things About Me

Top ten lists are a lot of fun. �Its a great chance to get to know the community and present yourself a bit. �You can let down your guard and get some community love and return the love in quick, urgent thrusts. �So here are ten things abou...


Occam Thoughts: Summons

Summons in role playing games.� There is something so wonderfully appealing about calling forth a terrible monster to do your dirty work for you in an RPG.�Most of us can recall with fond remembrance and a glint of nostalgia in the eye the ...


Occam Thoughts: Prints (NVGR)

Art.� I love art.� Art ART ARRRRT!� Fun to say, fun to collect.� So as a creature who relies almost solely on visual memory and who works in a gallery, its no big shock that my collecting proclivities have led me to start purchasing art pri...


Occams Thoughts: Debate

I'm all for healthy debate.� Debate is a hallmark of human communication.� Its one of the many ways we learn and grow from one another.� There are debates that are super important, like the debate over legalizing gay marriage (which shou...


Occam Thoughts: Four Years

April 1st, that special day in which Destructoid falls under the spell of the blood moon and transforms into the Foolish April Beast. It's a day I look forward to every year, not only for what the kulture meisters behind the scenes will th...


Occams Thoughts: Art Books

I�ve always been a picture guy. I�m a visual learner almost to a fault (math is hard) and the way I recall memories is by shuffling through pictures in my head until I find the one I am trying to remember. This makes me the worst navigato...


Occam Thoughts: Gaming Moments of 2012

Let's take a journey together and read about my gaming moments of 2012. I hope you enjoy them. My gaming moments of 2012: Sending NeverDead back to Gamefly. I was so excited for NeverDead. Neat premise. Ridiculous combat mechanic...


Occam Thoughts: Music in Video Games

Music. We like it. We love it. We want some more of it. It feeds our mind thoughts and helps grease the wheels of life. The right song at the right moment can make a lasting memory or sour your heart and soul with the first few notes. ...


Occam Thoughts: Stuff and Things and Games

Hello everyone. How have you been? Lots of new and exciting things going on around here. I'd like to share some thoughts with you today. Its some random things. Just whatever I can pull out of the attic crawlspace I call my mind. As I...


Occam Thoughts: Community

The time is 1:56 am in the morning here in the waking world. I'm a few glasses of wine relaxed and have been thinking a bit about the site. I don't often have an outlet to just speak my mind in the waking world. Being an adult and all me...


About Occamsone of us since 7:53 PM on 02.11.2009

I am a Community Moderator for Destructoid. I am also the resident Resplendent Black Grandmother. My mind is broken glass and my heart is swollen and corpulent, like a cheeto left in a puddle of Diet Coke.

Well that certainly sounded dramatic.

LOL Andy was here LOL
PSN ID:Mother_Meat


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