And are you cursed if you use one? Tactics Ogre: Reborn was reintroduced to the world in November 2022. Based on…
And are you cursed if you use one? Tactics Ogre: Reborn was reintroduced to the world in November 2022. Based on…
If you haven’t played it, it’s new to you One might assume that the dawning of a new gaming generation…
Old-school depth for a modern audience The tactics genre is an old one, and few stand out like Tactics Ogre….
Let a seasoned veteran clue you in a bit Tactics Ogre: Reborn is out, bringing the tactics classic to modern platforms…
Yeah, this was worth bringing back again It’s hard to really stress how incredible Tactics Ogre‘s legacy is. Originally debuting…
Long-rumored remake finally announced Square Enix has finally decided the time is right to officially lift the lid on one…
PSP remake headed to modern PlayStation platforms Following on from a slew of whispers, leaks, and accidental reveals, we have…
The Year of Tactics carries on A listing for Tactics Ogre: Reborn leaked out last night. A PlayStation Store listing not only…