Do as Arnold says and get your ass to Mars
This week on the Epic Games Store, board game purveyor Asmodee Digital is giving out Terraforming Mars for free. Just claim the PC game by May 12 to lock it up in your library.
As a quick aside, this music puts me in a real Commander Shepard state of mind.
Terraforming Mars is an adaptation of Jacob Fryxelius’ 2016 strategy board game, and like its award-winning source material, you’ll try to forget all of the terrible stuff you saw in Total Recall and Red Faction as you work to bend Mars to your will. Progress must be made!
Corporations clash as you and your big-business rivals “transform Mars into a habitable planet by spending vast resources and using innovative technology to raise temperature, create a breathable atmosphere, and make oceans of water” to pile up Victory Points.
The PC game has single-player support if you want to really take your time, or you can compete under pressure with five others, whether that’s AI opponents or real players.
I wasn’t there at launch, but looking through the user reviews, Terraforming Mars was in dire need of bug fixing and other fine-tuning and it has gotten better with updates.
“As an avid fan of the board game, I can recommend this game for new and experienced players,” noted a player who goes by nimrod. “The way it keeps track of your points and cards is super convenient and the interface is easy to learn. If you enjoy a nice calm game to play alone or with friends that wracks your brain a lil bit, this one’s for you.”
If you ever need a feel-good palette cleanser, keep an eye on Terra Nil, too.

Next week’s free games are Prey and Jotun
Terraforming Mars will be free to claim and keep until May 12, at which point the Epic Games Store will swap in Jotun: Valhalla Edition and Prey until May 19. Arkane’s paranoid space-station FPS with immersive-sim tendencies gets a lotta love around here.