So long to a troubled, but memorable iteration [One of the community’s most dedicated fighting game fans, Virtua Kazama, prepared…
So long to a troubled, but memorable iteration [One of the community’s most dedicated fighting game fans, Virtua Kazama, prepared…
I’m Already a Demon (Summoner) [Destructoid alumni The Blonde Bass returns with a Shin Megami Tensei-themed entry of the Destructoid…
A community blog by Alphadeus [Talented composer and long-time community member Alphadeus released a new album, with each and every…
A community blog by BRAVO F1VE [2021 was another year of fine video games with equally fine soundtracks. In this…
A community blog by Virtua Kazama No matter how extensive your history with Nintendo is, there’s something to be learned…
A community blog by NinjaSpeed Happy Metroid Dread weekend everyone! While we’re out exploring ZDR, here’s another nice conversation starter…
A community blog by JRusell We’ve been curious to hear about your favorite games to play in October for Halloween,…
A community blog by Kerrik52 Destructoid reader Kerrik52 has a wide-ranging Dark Souls retrospective for us to dig into after…
A community blog by Retrofraction As part of September’s Bloggers Wanted prompt Down the Rabbit Hole, long-time Destructoid reader Retrofraction…
A community blog by Sam van der Meer [Destructoid reader Sam van der Meer is carrying the torch for God Hand…
A community blog by TheTallGuyGamer [Here’s a heartwarming story about growing up with video games from Destructoid reader TheTallGuyGamer. Sibling…
A community blog by NinjaSpeed [Destructoid reader Ninjaspeed opens up about the very relatable struggle to find time and persistent…
A community blog by ChronoLynxx [As part of our call for heartwarming gaming stories from the community, Destructoid user ChronoLynxx…