Cblog recapper, writer for Flixist and Dtoid. Lover of all things strategic and independent.
Where can you find me on the internet?
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amnaumen
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/AmnaUmen
Kickstarter Projects backed: Broken Age, Interstellaria, Galactic Princess, Last Life, Hard West, This is the Police, Shenmue 3, Præy for the Gods, Cultist Simulator, Revolution 1917, and the badass Hotline Miami Jacket 1:6 statue.
Beware my power:
Hello everyone, the wine is poured and I'm ready to finally do this blog looking back on 2016. It's been a very eventful year hasn't it? There have been births, deaths, and all sorts of things that happen in between those two things. O...