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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #291 - Ooga Booga, Mort and Fun


Featuring Kings Quest 7 and country.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

for the end of the summer series, and oddball: A theme from seventh part of the Kings Quest adventure series released in 1994 for the PC. It plays in the background of the undead land of Ooga Booga where every attempt at basic social interaction is likely to kill you. It is also known as The Gravedigger Theme:

The beginning and general structure of this theme resembles a popular song in the country genre where it is known as "Texas Schottische":

It seems to be a variant of a song called "Rochester Schottische" composed in 1852 by William Rulison who is considered a one hit composer:


I even have some notes this time for comparison:


I cannot rule out that there are other country dances from UK that fit this more closely.

Next week the autumn series starts with something that has actual current relevance!

Phil out.

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