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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #277 - One Act Means Business


Featuring Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and mostly country.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

summer is coming so let's take the time and put in one more Sonic entry. The song of focus is the later part of the Death Egg Zone, the last zone from Sonic 2 (1992). You know it's a special zone because it only has one act. Most people don't hear this part because they will enter the Metal Sonic battle before it gets there:

The song has a waltz rhythm and a haunting, screeching, playful melody that in comparable form can often been found in fiddle-oriented songs from the country genre. Some examples:

Mainers Mountaineers - Little Rosebuds (before 1939)

Virginia Mountains Boys - Knoxville Girl (1977):

Traditional - "Green Valley Waltz" (before 1929):

The Bluegrass Album Band - "Cora is Gone" (1986):

The Miller Brothers - "Where We'll Never Grow Old" (1974):

As a bonus, a track from a japanese artist:

Saeko Suzuki - "朝のマリンバ" (1983):

One more before summer series.

Phil out.

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