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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #276 - Self-Service Shooting Gallery


Featuring Zelda 3, bluegrass and ragtime.

Hello fellow game music lovers,

a new Zelda is on the table and I cannot resist to use the opportunity to make an entry for the franchise with one of the few songs I haven't looked at in the SNES game: Zelda 3 from 1991. The game features a gambling house / shooting gallery where you can aim for rupees while a song plays in the background that gives strong vibes from an old west piano bar:

This sequence is reminiscent of the fast picks you often hear in bluegrass and ragtime music. Some examples:

Marc O'Connor - "Cotton Pickers Rag" (1977):

Charles N. Daniels - "Borneo Rag" (1911):

Homer Danney - "Ham Bones" (1912):

Irene Franklin - "Redhead Rag" (1910):

See you next week!

Phil out.

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