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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #275 - Ghost Manorio


Featuring Super Mario World and early 20th century piano music.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

since I'm on vacation, I'll be brief and direct with this one. A small finding for Super Mario World from 1990, the game that helped make the SNES big as it was packaged with many versions. Most of the songs in the game are remixes of the main theme, so what's left to examine is all the little details of the variants. One is the backing track of the Ghost House theme:

Not suprisingly, such piano rolls can be found in a lot of late 19th and early 20th century piano oriented music:

Gilbert & Sullivan - "The Gondoliers" (1889):

Franz Schmidt-Hagen - "Dance of the Tea Dolls" (before 1945):

Milton Ager - "High Brown Blues" (1922):

Not quite right but the tone:

We're heading towards the spring finale...

Phil out.

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