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Phils Game/Pop Music Similarities #271 - Steamboat Raggie Part 2


Featuring Mickey Mania and several.

Greetings fellow game music lovers,

I would like to use this weeks entry to clean out some other Mickey Mania (1994) stuff I found in the meantime. Here we go, first starting with the B theme of Steamboat Willie:

For that one I found some themes that go rather in the latin music direction than ragtime. Examples:

Pachapo Y El Super Tumbao - "Vaca Maluco" (1980):

Desmond Dekker - "Polka Dot" (1970):

Different key, but still similar progression:

Dennis Brown - "Show us the Way" (1975):

As a small bonus, an instance of Mysterioso Pizzicato in the Sega CD version:

And an instance of the beginning of the SNES final boss theme:

That's all regarding Mickey Mania for now.

Phil out.

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