Good morning Destructoid! It's that wonderful time of the week! It's Fridaaay!
Good thing it is too cause I need a break. I don't even think the week was that bad if I'm being honest, I just think it was one of those weeks where I'm angry and little things set me off. Just need some quiet time away from work I guess? Idk. I'm in better spirits today though so hopefully that last all day! lol
The gf and I are planning on finally going to see the new Ant-Man movie this weekend. Hoping we like it more then Wakanda Forever as we finally finished that. I didn't hate it buuuut overall found the action to be not that entertaining. It had some cool ideas going for it though. Next weekend, we're going to go see Scream 6 and that's the one I'm very excited for. We're currently in the middle of rewatching all the Scream movies and are in the middle of my least favorite entry, Scream 3. I don't hate it, but it's easily my least favorite. Also, what the hell is up with Courtney Cox's hair in this movie? I hate it haha.
Pretty far into my replay of The Last of Us 2 and still loving the hell out of it. So far, my biggest criticism is still the pacing but at the same time, I don't mind it half as much as everyone else did. It's a unique way to tell a story on what's going on with each character. Still just blown away by how much they've improved the overall gameplay. Everything feels so damn good and polished in this game. Also, halfway through I decided to turn off hearing mode which very much increases the games difficulty. Need to rely on my sight and hearing and that's not always easy when the camera is so close to the character. Still really damn fun to try!
Chrono's song of the week:
How was your week Dtoid!? Any fun weekend plans? Watch, play or read anything new worth sharing? Let us know down in the comments and as always, happy gaming!