Got the new power supply for the Commodore 64. Unfortunately, it's not one of the better SID chips, but it's not going to matter for 98% of the games on it.
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About Zoey Handleyone of us since 3:39 PM on 05.09.2018
Adzuken Q. Rumpelfelt is a gadabout gaming hobbyist, avid tea enthusiast, and aspiring writer. She's been playing video games all her life and is a lover of both new and retro games.
Obsessed in the obscure, the forgotten, and the unique, she enjoys diving in to find the human side of gaming. The failures as well as the successes.
A lover of the kitschy, the bizarre, and the dated. Enjoys 80's and 90's cartoons, horrible box art, awful voice acting, and non-traditional storytelling.
She also writes on her personal blog, the Game Complaint Department
You can enable her deplorable behaviour at this Ko-Fi here.