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TGIF Open Thread!


Good morning Destructoid! It's that time of the week! Already! It's Friday!

I honestly don't know how the hell I'm already typing this out as it seems like I was just complaining about neck pain to you all like yesterday. This week flew! Neck still hurts though lol Been kicking ass at work even though sometimes it doesn't feel like it. When I allow myself to step back and look at the whole picture, I see that I'm actually making a lot of progress and killing the majority of my goals. So other then the few annoying headache accounts I need to get to, work is mostly going good.

I feel like I've been exhuasted all week. Coffee is only helping so much! I'm very much looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow morning. I beat The Last of Us Part 1 just in time for the shows finale and it honestly made me appreciate the show that much more. They're really doing a great job on it. Not quite ready for it to be over. What are we going to do with our Sundays!?

No big plans this weekend. I'm now revisiting The Last of Us Part 2 and it's my first time replaying it so I'm very excited to work my way through it as I've been wanting to replay it for awhile now. About 4 hours in and I'm already loving it so much all over again. Other then that, relax, get some chores done around the house and spend time with the family.

Chrono's song of the week:

How was your week Dtoid!? Any fun weekend plans? Watch, play or read anything new worth sharing? Let us know down in the comments and as always, happy gaming!

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CelicaCrazed   21



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About ChronoLynxxone of us since 1:25 AM on 07.12.2020

Proud gamer, music lover and MMA obsessed. I also love all things horror. Father to 3 fur babies. I try to see the positive side of things.

Small list of favorite games:

Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6,7, and 10
Super Metroid
Mass Effect 2
Deus Ex
Mega Man X
Silent Hill 2
Super Mario RPG
Diablo 2
The Witcher 3
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Dark Souls 3
Grand Theft Auto 5
God of War (2018)
Resident Evil 4
F.E.A.R. 2
Fallout New Vegas
What Remains of Edith Finch
Ori and the Blind Forest/ Will of the Wisps