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32 Bit Library Vol 2 - Namco’s PlayStation


Destructiod has been good to me over the years. I've been lucky to get some cool coverage for my retro gaming books and I am very thankful for all the supporters who've found me from this site!

I'm back with another book! 32 Bit Library Vol 2 - Namco's PlayStation. 

32 Bit Library Vol 2 is a giant A4 size hardcover book that chronologically covers a bunch of amazing games from the original PlayStation. Full write-ups and retrospectives, guest essays and more fill out the 236+ page book (that’ll grow if funding grows!). Every single game Namco produced on the PlayStation is in the book. Ridge Racer, Tekken, Tales of Destiny, Namco Museum and more!

Here’s the link to check out more details on the project itself: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/darrenhupke/darren-hupkes-32-bit-library-volume-2

I produced the first volume through Kickstarter (and it's available to buy direct from me or as an add-on to this campaign) that was a big success. You can see more about all the projects and books on my social media accounts, @32bitlibrary on Twitter and Instagram. Thanks for taking a look!

- -Darren Hupke @darrenhupke

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About darrenhupkeone of us since 6:03 PM on 02.18.2011

Videogame book maker. Comic writer and seller. Podcast host. Audio & sound designer. Dad.

I've created sound effects for indie games and I am always looking to join others to help create games.

I've also written a number of comics. I have self-published my own books and been published in a few comic anthologies.

Twitter: @darrenhupke

I'll occasionally post blogs titled PAPERBOY, and this is my attempt to marry my two favorite hobbies. I compare a game to a comics series and my goal is to turn on non-comic readers and gamers to stories they'll most likely love if they are into said games. Look for more of these coming soon!

Favorite Games:
1. Final Fantasy VII (I know...)
2. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
3. Super Mario 64
4. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
5. Metal Gear Solid 3

Others (in no set order)
Mass Effect 2
Hotline Miami 2
Grand Theft Auto III
Pixel Junk Monsters
PaRappa the Rapper
Dark Cloud
Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town/Back to Nature
Plants vs Zombies
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Final Fantasy XI
Thomas Was Alone
Dead Space
Jak and Daxter
Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past
Portal/Portal 2
NBA Jam T.E.
Mirror's Edge
Tales of Destiny
Final Fantasy Tactics
Suikoden 3
Tekken 3
Street Fighter Alpha 3
WWF No Mercy/Wrestlemania 2000
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
Spider-Man (PSX)
Shadow of Destiny
Donkey Konga
Way of the Samurai
Metal Gear Solid
WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role
Skies of Arcadia
Uncharted 2
Jet Grind Radio
Super Mario Bros. 3
Goldeneye 007
Gran Turismo 2
Final Fight
Maximum Carnage
Mutant League Football
Mega Man X
TMNT The Arcade Game
Star Fox 64
Crash Bandicoot
Silent Hill
Twisted Metal Black
Persona 2
Syphon Filter 2
Ape Escape
Little Nemo
Blaster Master
Mega Man 2/3

Xbox LIVE:Yorick 355
PSN ID:SinceByDarren
Steam ID:Yorick 355


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