Had the outlet in the garage give up the ghost on Christmas Eve. Managed to save all the food from the freezer and got it into the freezer in the kitchen, not exactly a happy elf at the moment.
- Sometimes, in order to move forward you have to come to terms with the past.
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About Cygnus Rush 961one of us since 6:52 PM on 07.04.2018
Just trying to get out a rut that I've been in since the 2008 financial crash and hope to get into college in the future. A fan of racing games since 1997's Need For Speed II and platformers since the early 90's. I am willing to try other gaming genres out of my comfort zones. I also enjoy building Gundam models and watching anime though I don't always watch the latest shows. I am willing to call BS on publishers & developers that put profit first before refined gameplay.