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TGIF Open Thread!


Hello, Destructoid! It's that wonderful time of the week! It's Friday!

This week I'm going to my wee cousin's birthday, and while I prefer to keep away from children's parties, this one is going to be on a kind of little farm, so it might be fun.

I watched a couple of films:

Decision to Leave: Park Chan-wook's latest. Not my favourite, but it was intriguing in that twisted way the director is loved for.

An Cailín Ciúin: Finally watched this! Mo chéad scannán fada as Gaeilge agus is aoibhinn liom é! Translating: I love it! Such a grounded and simple film but evoked so strong emotions. Catherine Clinch will rise among Ireland's best actresses, mark my words! Cheering for it to be selected as Ireland's Foreign Language candidate for the Oscars 🤞

In the Oiche Shamhna spirit, I watched:

Hellraiser: yup, the original. Liked the themes but didn't like the characters, especially the woman whose only purpose in life was to orbit around the man. I imagine Pinhead has more screen time in the other films because apart from great lines, I don't see how he could've become a horror icon solely from this 😅 Very surprised to see Nemesis in the film, before he became all muscular. I was under the impression that the Hulu adaptation would remake this first film, but I'm glad it's a whole new thing. And Jamie Clayton looks so damn good!

Bodies, Bodies, Bodies: no wonder the friends couldn't stand each other. I could barely stand them. Maybe that was the goal? Anyway, the idea was good, even if the execution wasn't that great (or maybe it's just me that can't stand teenagers in general). It did have a great opening scene, though 😶

Queen's Song of the Week:

How was your week Dtoid? Any fun plans for the weekend? Watch, play or read anything new worth sharing? Let us know down in the comments and as always, happy gaming!

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About Queen of Philosophyone of us since 9:09 AM on 07.09.2020

A writer who is passionate about storytelling in all its forms. In my profile, you may find story discussions, theories, or random video game coffee talk. She/Her/Sí/Í

Some of my favourite...

... games:

The Last of Us (Parts I and II)
BioShock 1
Dark Souls 1
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
God of War
Hollow Knight

... films:

There Will Be Blood
Winter Night
Spider-Man: No Way Home
An Cailín Ciúin
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The Lord of the Rings
Jojo Rabbit

... books:

Gideon the Ninth
When Women Were Warriors
This Is How You Lose the Time War
Project Hail Mary
The Song of Achilles
Notes from the Underground
Pride and Prejudice
A Song of Ice and Fire