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InquisitiveRaven 2022 Commissions Pricing


(Reposted because the last one had comments disabled)

Hey there! I'm Inquisitive Raven, and I'm an artist. I've been drawing nearly all my life now, and have been offering commissions for years now. I'm getting better all the time, and would love it if you checked out my updated pricing guide!

Sketch commissions

For $20:

Color Sketches

For an Added $20 to any Option:
Additional Characters (ie: if there are 3 characters, I’ll charge $40 more for the extra two)

Commissions Pricing List

For $20:

For $40:
Outlines (either waist-up or full-body)
Waist-up in Color

For $60:
Full-Color and Full-Body

For $80:
Outline-less, Full-Color

For an Added $20 to any Option:
Detailed Background
Additional Characters (ie: if there are 3 characters, I’ll charge $40 more for the extra two)

* If there are complicated elements (ie: detailed armor or clothing, GUNDAMS, etc.), I may factor that in to the final price.

Also feel free to look at more of my work on my tumblr page: https://inquisitiveraven.tumblr.com

If you want to see my work early and support me, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JLArtwork

Also I can do more than just illustrations - logos, banners, etc. Feel free to ask me! If you have any questions, you can comment here or contact me on Discord/twitter/etc! I'll leave you with some recent samples of my work:

Until next time!

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Inquisitive Raven   
sp testure   13
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About Inquisitive Ravenone of us since 9:42 PM on 12.01.2015

A somewhat-starving artist guy who likes games. Will probably make a pun if you give him long enough.

I art over here: https://theunknown1-arts.tumblr.com