Eldest Souls is hard. Too hard. As someone who has beaten every Souls game, Eldest Souls veers too far into the realm of frustration. Movement is inanely slow and movement feels painful. There are challenging games that feel much better to control.
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About BRAV0 F1VEone of us since 8:59 PM on 04.03.2020
Been playing games since the launch of the Gamecube. I enjoy RPGS, both Japanese and Western, retro games, and creative indies. But I try to play a little of everything.
Review Scoring System:
10: Gaming Perfection
9: Highly Recommended
8: Great, just short of excellence
7: Very good, with a few blemishes
6: Solid, but there are issues here
5: Mediocre, average
4: Interesting, but with severe problems
3: Flawed, very limited appeal
2: You'd have to pay me to continue
1: Broken, unplayable
Currently Playing:
Fire Emblem Engage
Hogwarts Legacy
Crusader Kings III: Tours & Tournaments
Review Scoring System:
10: Gaming Perfection
9: Highly Recommended
8: Great, just short of excellence
7: Very good, with a few blemishes
6: Solid, but there are issues here
5: Mediocre, average
4: Interesting, but with severe problems
3: Flawed, very limited appeal
2: You'd have to pay me to continue
1: Broken, unplayable
Currently Playing:
Fire Emblem Engage
Hogwarts Legacy
Crusader Kings III: Tours & Tournaments