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TGIF Open Thread!


Good morning Destructoid! Have you grown tired of me already? I hope not, because I'm here again to announce that today is that wonderful time of the week! It's Friday!

Yesterday was a hectic night for the gaming world! Did you watch The Game Awards? Liked the winners and announcements?! Personally, I was happy with the results (The Last of Us - Part II winning Best Narrative, Best Direction, GOTY and Laura Goddess Bailey taking the Award for Best Performance? Perfect! 👌🏻) I've never played a Perfect Dark game but I'm looking forward to learning more about this new game, especially because it's set in a futuristic Egypt 👀 Season, It Takes Two, Open Roads and The Callisto Protocol are my other highlights.

But that was not the only important thing happening in the 'geek universe' yesterday! I saw that Marvel was releasing a ton of new info and trailers for Disney+ series during TGA, so today I'm catching up! Loki's trailer was fantastic, let's see what the others have to offer!

This week I read The Last Conversation and Randomize, two more of that series of short sci-fi stories; Randomize is the worst so far and I hope there won't be a worse one! Also read Those Who Wait, a fantastic debut romance novel, and now I'm reading Rough Around the Edges, a romance that was praised by Clare Ashton, a writer who definitely understands about the genre!

I bought Little Nightmares for three dollars and something on the PSN End of the Year Sale, but haven't started it yet. This week I've been so focused on writing this and that, I barely played my classic Mortal Kombat 😅

Queen's Song of the Week: (Taylor is great alone but these collaborations with Bon Iver are something else!)

How was your week Dtoid? Any fun weekend plans? Watch, play or read anything new worth sharing? How was your Thanksgiving? Let us know down in the comments and as always, happy gaming!

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About Queen of Philosophyone of us since 9:09 AM on 07.09.2020

A writer who is passionate about storytelling in all its forms. In my profile, you may find story discussions, theories, or random video game coffee talk. She/Her/Sí/Í

Some of my favourite...

... games:

The Last of Us (Parts I and II)
BioShock 1
Dark Souls 1
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
God of War
Hollow Knight

... films:

There Will Be Blood
Winter Night
Spider-Man: No Way Home
An Cailín Ciúin
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The Lord of the Rings
Jojo Rabbit

... books:

Gideon the Ninth
When Women Were Warriors
This Is How You Lose the Time War
Project Hail Mary
The Song of Achilles
Notes from the Underground
Pride and Prejudice
A Song of Ice and Fire