Following the blogging tendencies I adopted around 2015 or so blog sequels are bound to happen more often for two reasons. First, ideas keep reaching my mind and if I don't write them down I may not write them later like I originally wanted to or, forget them altogether. Second, If I have had these comebacks in my life with poetry, teaching, playing and other things, why let writing aside? As a blog sequel this one is, here is the link to my previous thoughts when I just had 3 weeks over here.
Now, on to the sequel.
How much time has it been since these dark times began? I don't recall exactly but I joined Destructoid when lockdown was getting on me and I needed something more to do besides playing video games and watching TV shows or movies. Once I did, I posted a blog not really worrying about grammar mistakes or the like, I just wanted to let my mind speak as it hasn't for a long, long time. Some may say I did speak my mind through social media posts or when teaching to my students, but there's something else, something eternal about blogging in English that I absolutely love. It's not like quick Facebook posts I used to share in Spanish that when read years later I scratch my head, it's nothing like it. Over here, and on the other sites I've blogged before, my blogs reside for me to reflect on what my thoughts were back then and how much I have grown not only in my writing but in many other aspects. Plus, now I can share my blogs with those students who want to read them or even, I can use some of my blogs as reading material. These crazy ideas of mine, I've missed them.
Comment section
In a world filled with so many toxic communities, friends and whatnot, Dtoid is what I didn't know I needed. Seriously, no matter the post I read from other users I always feel they only have the best of intentions when sharing them. Memes? Check. Insights? Love them. Going personal? I feel happy for all of your accomplishments no matter what they may be. Relief is what I felt on June 24th when I had no one or somewhere to share my negative HIV results and the positive feedback I got here meant the world to me. Is there a better community out there? I don't know and I don't care, Dtoid arrived in my life at the right time.
My profile
A new profile pic may be on its way, as well as a new banner containing my retro GOTYS thus far. The former I want to do to honor me as I am now a PTSD free person who wants to take his life back and need not to erase past memories of whatever they may have been but get over them and move on. By the time of this writing I changed my hair style to one I stopped using following society or significant others' pieces of advice completely forgetting that such a decision was only up to me. The latter is also to honor those games who have given me teachings and lessons not seen elsewhere and also to let a decade, or two, behind. From The legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time (beaten in 2006) to Persona Q2 New Cinema Labyrinth (beaten in 2019) I will be looking at a banner full of memories per year.
It's funny how these simple plans feel great to me and, in a way, are a boost of strength amidst everything that has happened, is happening and will happen tomorrow.
Thanks for Reading.