After the last release in the Wolfenstien franchise in 2009 fans have been craving a more action pact experience with less filler.
2014's Wolfenstien reboot was shaping up to be a great game. It looked impressive, the story was unique, and the trailer showed different sections of the world being overtaken by Nazi rule.
However the finished product fails to live up to the hype.
The game starts off in Poland in the 1940's you fight Nazis you blow up giant robots and people die.
Then after taking some shrapnel to the head, BJ Blazkowitz is comatose for 14 years and awakens to a world taken over by the axis powers
The story is ridiculous, however it's that certain level of ridiculous that fans of the franchise can adjust to.
While I don't mind following a ridiculous story to further the plot I felt that the game doesn't do enough to immerse you in its world.
The game is a linear shooter with very little exploration in each level. A contrast to Wolfenstien 3d which was all about exploring a giant building for secret rooms.
I wanted to know more about the world that I was in, I wanted to see how the Nazis changed people's views, ideologies, and ordinary citizens taking about the world that they live in and how it has affected them.
Unfortunately the most that you will get in terms of immersion come from news paper snippets explaining how the world has changed in the past 14 years scattered throughout the game.
There are no innocent people walking amongst the street, no children playing outside singing German songs, or talking about how they live their lives. Things like this would have added to the immersion.
The developers went through all this trouble to create this world, and they barley did anything with it. This doesn't even have to take place on planet earth it could be an another world that was invaded by Nazi robot space pirates.
The gameplay is solid you can carry as many guns as the game has to offer, though they don't feel unique. You don't get access to sci-fi weapons like you did in the 2009 game. I mean seriously the game is all about fighting giant robots and futuristic soldiers, why can't I acquire a laser gun.
The enemy AI is competent but sometimes lacking. There was one instance in which I shot right in front of someone, but they still didn't see me. There aren’t anywhere near enough boss fights in the game and the ones that they're feel lacking.
The games combat system is very similar to Resistance: Fall Of Man. You have a weapon wheel and 4 health bars each of which will replenish so long as not all of one is depleted.
The game does however do stealth well, as many scenarios offer you a different way to approach them as apposed to just shooting your way out of every situation. Though the payoff is minimal as there is never a time when choosing stealth over action gives you anything substantial.
Also the game has some inconsistent rules. Sometimes when you kill an enemy their body disappears, but sometimes it doesn't. Since enemies will sound the alarm if they come across a dead body you never know how to plan your tactics since the difficulty of the game is dictated by randomness.
You also can't drag bodies around like in games like Dishonored or the Chronicles of Riddick games, so you better make sure that if you kill an enemy it's in a remote location if your trying to be stealth-full.
Also the game looks extremely gritty, and not in a good way. I wouldn't be impressed by these visuals if the games came out back in 2008. It looks like a PS2 game that was upscaled for the PS3.
It's not just the lighting, the characters look a bit off to. After being in a coma for 14 year BJ doesn't look a day older then he did at the start of the game, and he still has all of his muscle.
I can't help but be disappointed by this new Wolfenstien game. I was hoping for something that would only be possible to develop on next gen consoles, and what I got was something that feels like it could have come out at the start of the 7th console generation. It is marginally better than 2009's Wolfenstein made by Raven Software, but after half a decade of waiting I expected a little better.