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As a PlayStation fan, Microsoft has made some interesting moves...


Headlines. Sorry. As a PlayStation fan, I don’t feel threatened by Microsoft’s E3 event and announcements, but they honestly have a chance for a quality successor to the Xbox One. 

To get the obvious out of the way, Microsoft surprised no one with a Gears of War, Forza, Halo showcase. The rumors of new titles in each of those series linger EVERY year because casual gaming fans only know of those franchises and never dream of anything more. It’s enough to keep them happy. I personally have no excitement for those three games, especially when the original developers and creators have nothing to do with these new titles (though, people love Forza Horizon almost as much as they do mainline Forza titles). The point of this post isn’t about these unexciting filler titles, it was about the potential Microsoft is finally building for itself.


For one, their digital backwards compatibility based on NON-streaming technology is still something I am jealous of. The fact that these titles live as digital purchases and assuming they are smart enough to create a similar architecture for the Xbox One follow up, this is a way to create and build massive gaming library’s that will inevitably live on in the post console world... if they’re smart about it. Their design has allowed previous generation games to play better and faster almost automatically. The titles they are creating for the Xbox One are also uncapped and are scaleable as we’ve seen with One X enhancements, so a future console compatible with these same games and the ability to further enhance these titles would be a genius move. 

Odds are, this has been the long and painfully slow plan of Microsoft as they’ve tried to salvage this generation. It began with failure and they’ve tried to make lemonade out of it, but it’s an uphill battle. Planning for technology and getting developers prepared is one thing, but the other problem is content worth playing, and third party games don’t have the same weight anymore. Buying timed exclusives isn’t paying off any longer, and so that leads to the second piece of exciting news for the future for Xbox fans; Aquisitions. 

Now, the companies the announced they acquired today aren’t game changers. They basically owned the studio behind the Forza Horizon series and the State of Decay developers. Then the team behind Contrast and We Happy Few aren’t selling systems on their own. Hell, fans roasted Ninja Theory back when they made Heavenly Sword for PS3, and they are going to deal with their own spilled milk with being acquired by a big company after talking about being the champion of AAA indie creations. But the fact is they have internal teams ready to create content. Content they lacked for years and has been their Achilles heal when comparing apples to apples with Sony. 

If I were a Microsoft fan, I’d hope this was the start of more aquisitions. More investment into original ideas and content. Not every game has to be Halo or Gears of War. Look at Sony. For every God of War or Last of Us there is a Detroit Become Human or Bloodborne. Something that appeals to a niche audience, but is quality and something fans want. Variety. A library. A reason to turn on that system. 

Keep your head up, Xbox fans. You’ve got some hope. I’ve got no reason to be scared as a PlayStation fan, but at least I won’t feel pity for that guy sitting next to me taking about how his girlfriend just bought him an Xbox. 

- -Darren Hupke @darrenhupke

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About darrenhupkeone of us since 6:03 PM on 02.18.2011

Videogame book maker. Comic writer and seller. Podcast host. Audio & sound designer. Dad.

I've created sound effects for indie games and I am always looking to join others to help create games.

I've also written a number of comics. I have self-published my own books and been published in a few comic anthologies.

Twitter: @darrenhupke

I'll occasionally post blogs titled PAPERBOY, and this is my attempt to marry my two favorite hobbies. I compare a game to a comics series and my goal is to turn on non-comic readers and gamers to stories they'll most likely love if they are into said games. Look for more of these coming soon!

Favorite Games:
1. Final Fantasy VII (I know...)
2. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
3. Super Mario 64
4. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
5. Metal Gear Solid 3

Others (in no set order)
Mass Effect 2
Hotline Miami 2
Grand Theft Auto III
Pixel Junk Monsters
PaRappa the Rapper
Dark Cloud
Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town/Back to Nature
Plants vs Zombies
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Final Fantasy XI
Thomas Was Alone
Dead Space
Jak and Daxter
Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past
Portal/Portal 2
NBA Jam T.E.
Mirror's Edge
Tales of Destiny
Final Fantasy Tactics
Suikoden 3
Tekken 3
Street Fighter Alpha 3
WWF No Mercy/Wrestlemania 2000
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
Spider-Man (PSX)
Shadow of Destiny
Donkey Konga
Way of the Samurai
Metal Gear Solid
WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role
Skies of Arcadia
Uncharted 2
Jet Grind Radio
Super Mario Bros. 3
Goldeneye 007
Gran Turismo 2
Final Fight
Maximum Carnage
Mutant League Football
Mega Man X
TMNT The Arcade Game
Star Fox 64
Crash Bandicoot
Silent Hill
Twisted Metal Black
Persona 2
Syphon Filter 2
Ape Escape
Little Nemo
Blaster Master
Mega Man 2/3

Xbox LIVE:Yorick 355
PSN ID:SinceByDarren
Steam ID:Yorick 355


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