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The PlayStation Announcements You Shouldn't Forget


Wow, Sony, thanks for the wall to wall games. The Last Guardian. Final Fantasy VII Remake. Assassins's Creed. Star Wars Batlefront. Uncharted 4. I will be talking about none of those games in this post, because why should I? Those marketing budgets will cram so much video, previews, screen shots and pre-order bonus items down our throats over the next 6 months, it'll be hard to forget those. There were a couple games inbetween that Sony brought to the big stage, the ones between the AAA's, THOSE are the games we should be keeping at the front of our minds. I'll break down a few of the stand outs here.


Firewatch is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio. The gameplay video started with some humor and banter with some "safe" visuals, but then things got a little weird and the dialog got tense quick. The trailer ends like solid teaser for a TV series of film, and I am immediatly interested. This is a new developer, Campo Santo, and it's their first game. I will be following this for it's simple introduction and feel, but high production values. Look at their website for more: Campo Santo FIREWATCH page.


These next few games were packed into one sizzle reel because they are all from indie game publishing god-send, Devolver Digital. Crossing Souls has a great nostalgic feel for late 80's/early 90's kids. This description is direct from the publisher's site: "It’s 1986 in California and a group of friends will live the summer of their lives after a mysterious discovery in woods outside their quiet town.". The reason I am following this with excitment it because I am getting an adult-style, Earthbound-ish feel from it. That is an amazing feeling to have, trust me. I can remember playing outside and pretending with my brother that things like this happened to us... Follow it.


Eiter. Isometric pixel action RPG. Looks to be filled with tight combat and randomly generated looting. Games like this get me hooked, and it's got a fantasticly drawn, almost OVER-animated, pixel art look. Am I sensing a Bloodborne-esque, Titan Souls-esque gameplay. Could be a frustrating grind, but that isn't a complaint. I'll be keeping my eye on this for more info.


Check out this Beat-em-up. This is a line-crossing, gore filed, violent action game. Devolver also published (one of my favorite games of all-time) Hotline Miami, and this looks like Hotline Miami meets Final Fight. A hard M rating is likely to be stamped on this one. Very gritty looking. The story set up is this "Set in an alternate U.S.S.R, the story focuses on an imprisoned antihero with a crippling drug addiction as he breaks free and barrels down a journey of hate-filled vengeance.". Come on! Sold! Le Cartel Studio is the developer, and they've approached this genre as fans. I can't wait to see more.

Sony E3 2015

Sony brought out a lot of expected, and plenty of unexcpected, and showed they really like to be a solid partner with developers and publishers of all sizes. I am very much looking forward to more titles like these on the show floor and online in the next few days. What did you think? Tweet at me @darrenhupke, I'd love to chat!


- -Darren Hupke @darrenhupke

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About darrenhupkeone of us since 6:03 PM on 02.18.2011

Videogame book maker. Comic writer and seller. Podcast host. Audio & sound designer. Dad.

I've created sound effects for indie games and I am always looking to join others to help create games.

I've also written a number of comics. I have self-published my own books and been published in a few comic anthologies.

Twitter: @darrenhupke

I'll occasionally post blogs titled PAPERBOY, and this is my attempt to marry my two favorite hobbies. I compare a game to a comics series and my goal is to turn on non-comic readers and gamers to stories they'll most likely love if they are into said games. Look for more of these coming soon!

Favorite Games:
1. Final Fantasy VII (I know...)
2. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
3. Super Mario 64
4. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
5. Metal Gear Solid 3

Others (in no set order)
Mass Effect 2
Hotline Miami 2
Grand Theft Auto III
Pixel Junk Monsters
PaRappa the Rapper
Dark Cloud
Harvest Moon Friends of Mineral Town/Back to Nature
Plants vs Zombies
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
Final Fantasy XI
Thomas Was Alone
Dead Space
Jak and Daxter
Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past
Portal/Portal 2
NBA Jam T.E.
Mirror's Edge
Tales of Destiny
Final Fantasy Tactics
Suikoden 3
Tekken 3
Street Fighter Alpha 3
WWF No Mercy/Wrestlemania 2000
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2
Spider-Man (PSX)
Shadow of Destiny
Donkey Konga
Way of the Samurai
Metal Gear Solid
WWF SmackDown! 2: Know Your Role
Skies of Arcadia
Uncharted 2
Jet Grind Radio
Super Mario Bros. 3
Goldeneye 007
Gran Turismo 2
Final Fight
Maximum Carnage
Mutant League Football
Mega Man X
TMNT The Arcade Game
Star Fox 64
Crash Bandicoot
Silent Hill
Twisted Metal Black
Persona 2
Syphon Filter 2
Ape Escape
Little Nemo
Blaster Master
Mega Man 2/3

Xbox LIVE:Yorick 355
PSN ID:SinceByDarren
Steam ID:Yorick 355


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